Friday, February 8, 2019

Street Number Sign - Gone

Back a few years ago, my wife was getting packages delivered by UPS and to make sure they could find my place, she suggested I put our street number on a sign so they could find us.  Our home is not visible from the road, just the long drive way which disappears from sight before it gets to our home.  Therefore, I got a couple of 4x4's and a 1x12.  I made stencils of our street number using Auto Cad to create the type of numbers I wanted on the sign.  The stenciled numbers were just a little bit shorter than width of the board.  I painted the board white and stenciled the numbers in black.  I dug holes with a post hole digger and put the sign up.

That was quite a few years ago and that sign served us well, that is, until yesterday.  Somebody ran into it an broke it off at the ground.  Here is a picture I took of it:

Of course, I could get busy and make a new one, but I don't feel like doing that right now and, if this was a deliberate act, they will just do it again.  My daughter-in-law suggested that, since there is a day-care center across the street from my driveway, a school bus or truck may have backed up out of their parking lot and crossed the road and hit the sign and didn't even know it.  Well, it doesn't matter who or what did it, it is done gone for now.  Now, you all drive safely and have a great day, you hear?


  1. My Father's Corner Fence Post kept getting mowed down every Saturday night after the local taverns closed. He managed to get a piece of 2"Reinforcement Bar that he covered with wooden boards. The next Saturday night there was a huge crashing sound. The Drunk tried to sue my parents for wrecking his car but when the Police saw the Tire Tracks across their lawn they arrested the driver for DUI.
    Rebuild your post in the spring a little further from the road and beef it up a bit.
    Be Safe and Enjoy staying warm.

    It's about time.

    1. My thoughts, exactly. When my son gets home, I will ask him to weld up something that would stop a tank but look week (grin).

  2. Sorry about you sign getting knocked down, but I like your idea about having the son weld one up for ya!

    1. This isn't the first time. The strange thing was that there were no tracks. Maybe a vehicle with a long overhang, like a school bus, could do it easily.

  3. Use a steel pipe when you put it back they will know if they ran into then

  4. Just be careful or these idiots will be back for vengeance.

    1. I would love to meet them in person. . . (grin)

  5. Reminds me of the worthless neighbors I had in Houston. They would park in my driveway since I was in Del Rio and they had a lot of vehicles.

    One of them was drunk and knocked down my mailbox but they denied it. Thank goodness they got evicted. To this day I have never replaced it.

    1. We do have some really nice neighbors out front, but I don't know most of the people who have built homes around my property. I can't see anybody's home from my home, except my son's, who lives a couple of hundred yards behind my house.

  6. So sorry to hear that happened and someone doesn't "fess" up. Hopefully UPS knows where you live by now.

    1. I suppose we could get anything we want delivered to Cut & Shoot, TX post office. We have a box there where we get our mail.
