Wednesday, February 6, 2019

My Ponds Are Full

It was a warm afternoon with highs in the low 80's but that will change this coming Friday morning when a front blows through here lowing the high temps of Friday at only 40 degrees.  I decided to take advantage of the warm weather and take a walk around my property.  It has been awhile since I have done so.

I found that all the rain we have had has filled all my ponds and more so.  Yep, some low laying areas have also filled with water.  There is still plenty of dry ground for me to walk around the place and never getting my shoes wet.

 Here are some pictures I took today:

I made a big circle around all that open wet area.  The two ponds have swollen and overflowed but I still had dry land on the perimeters.  Those trees in the background have a trail I use that is behind them.  My daughter-in-law's ducks have been enjoying all the wet areas.  In fact, one followed me for 80 yards before going back to the water.  I feel good having got some exercise today.  Sure beats walking around Wal-Mart. . . .  Now, you all enjoy what is left of this fine day, you hear?


  1. Ponds are looking really good, Dizzy. Almost time to go fishing, right?

    1. Yep, but it is more fun catching fish in Lake Conroe rather than catching my own fish (grin).

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks JO, they are one of the reasons I bought this place and since then, I dug another, deeper pond up closer to our house. All water runs away from my home, so it is always high and dry.

  3. You live the best of both worlds, near the big city and yet out in the country.

  4. I love the peaceful look of your property. I know what you mean about the walking. Sure wish I was able to get outside and was. Too cold/icy around here now.

    1. When I lived up north, I loved taking walks in the snow especially on moon lit nights.

  5. You mentioned walking around Walmart, I thought of the mall walkers back in Minnesota. A warm dry place to do a little walking on matter what time of the year.

    Walking around your ponds sounds like a much better idea!

    1. It has been quite warm here so far, but that is going to change. It is going to drop from a high of 80 to a low of 40. That is a 40 degree drop in a really short time. Just love this East Texas weather.

  6. Nice that you out and about for some exercise. And looks like our cold weather is heading your way.

    1. Yep, the cold front should get here today with 40 degree droop in temps.

  7. I love the photos, especially the reflections in the water. Very peaceful looking.

  8. Diz, I can't stop laughing. I was looking at my blog reading list and saw yours - now you understand my eyes are very bad - but I read "My Pants Are Full" rather than "Ponds". (I'm still chuckling and it woke up the dog to see what is so funny.)

    1. That is funny, maybe I should check my pants???

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