Monday, February 4, 2019

One Less Duck

I was in our dogs' fenced in back yard and noticed something white in the thicket.  It reminded me of ice or snow, but not down here in the warm East Texas.  So, I got a little closer and, dang, it was feathers.  Yes, a whole lot of white feathers.  Here, take a look for yourselves:

Yep, something had duck for dinner.  I don't know what it was, but we have all sorts of wildlife around here that would be glad to feast on a duck walking in the woods after dark.  Or maybe, something caught it down around the chicken and duck coops and dragged it up here to feast in private.  Earlier, I published a blog with pictures from my son's game cameras, and if you remember, there were a lot of pictures of different predators.  Yep, it is a dangerous world out there in the jungle (grin).  But I want you all have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Poor little duck but it's the food chain out there

  2. Do you still have that mountain lion? Poor duck :(

    1. I haven't heard it for awhile, but they do roam a 50 square mile territory, so, I would imagine it would be back. He may have never left but just has been keeping quiet.

  3. Poor duck! Guess that is what happens when you wander outside after dark. You become someone else dinner.

    1. Around here the night not only has eyes, it has an appetite.

  4. Part of natures food chain, we enjoy duck too in the daytime though.

    1. Next time you enjoy duck, don't leave the feathers in my yard (grin).

  5. All part of the circle of life, I reckon.

    1. It sure is and that circle repeats itself quite often on my place.
