Thursday, February 14, 2019

Dang, I Am Getting Old

Yep, I sure am getting old.  Today is my birthday and I guess that it is time to start counting backwards.  Do you think that would make me younger.  Yes, I was born on Valentine's Day, so now you know where I get all my charm (grin).  I have seen a lot and been through a lot since I was born.  Because I was born in 1943, World War Two was going on and my Dad was an MP in the Army.  I can remember my Mother holding me up and showing me a picture of my Dad a lot so that I would remember him when he got home.

My cousin was born two days before Christmas and I used to have a neighbor when I was kid who was born on Christmas day.  The trouble with being born on or near Christmas is that you are not going to get a lot of gifts for both.  My neighbor used to complain that she would get things that usually come in pairs (like shoes, socks, gloves, etc.) with one wrapped up with a Happy Birthday tag and the other wrapped up with a Merry Christmas tag.  Now, you all have a great day, I sure do plan to.


  1. No doubt your neighbor's relatives thought they were being funny, which they were, the FIRST time.

  2. I wish you a very happy birthday today!

    I think that was very clever to divide gifts between a holiday and a birthday. Especially back when money was scarce.

  3. Hey there Dad Happy Birthday and many many more, we can't help growing old but we don't have to grow up !

    1. Amen to that. That is one thing, I will always be young at heart and I believe in a good sense of humor.

  4. WOW this is also the day in 1969 that the US government sentenced me into involuntary servitude for two years. Happy Birthday AGAIN old fellow.

  5. Replies
    1. I did, we went to Wal-Mart and we bought food along with a few other things and two of my cousins called me. Always enjoy hearing from them.

  6. Happy Birthday Dizzy, Mine is Sunday but born in 1947. Hope you had a double great day.

    1. Thanks JO, and I hope you have a great birthday on Sunday, you young whippersnapper.

  7. Happy birthday, my friend! Hope you see many more...

    1. Thanks Mr. Hermit. I do hope I see a few more but not near as many as I have seen.

  8. A very Happy Birthday to you. May you have many more. Hope you had a great day. And you are only as old as you feel inside; and from reading your blogs you are still a kid at heart.

    1. I do try to let the little kid in me sneak out now and then.

  9. Here it is Friday and the great news is that we are both still getting older! I do not like that NOT getting older stuff.

    1. Yep, looking on the bright side, there is still too much fun to be had.
