Saturday, February 16, 2019

I Did Try It.

On my last post I stated that I was planning to count the days backwards to see if I could get any younger.  Well, just for your information, it didn't work.  That was my last resort so I am just going to live with the idea that I am getting old and it just may be better than the alternative (grin).

I have a lot of the signs of aging.  My hair has turned a silvery grey along with my beard, etc.  It seems that all of the hair on my legs has disappeared and then, magically, reappeared on my stomach.  And speaking of my stomach, it must not know that my body has quit growing because it sure hasn't.  I can't say that I am out of shape because I have a lot of different shapes that I didn't used to have.  But, as long as my brain and my typing abilities don't give up, I will keep on blogging whether you like it or not (grin).  Now, you all stay young and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I heard of a fountain of youth in Florida, over by St Augustine as I recall. There must be something to it, they ere charging to get in!

    1. I got a cousin that lives in Florida. Maybe I can get him to ship me some of that water. . ..

    2. I was in St. Augustine back in the 1990's and drank the water from the fountain of youth. I certainly did not regain my youth, but I'm still hobbling along!

  2. "as long as my brain and my typing abilities don't give up, I will keep on blogging whether you like it or not (grin)."

    I totally agree with that statement and at least I want you to keep on blogging :-)

    1. I have been doing this blog for almost ten years and have been reading and commenting for longer than that. And yes, I plan on doing it for as long as possible.

  3. I must have some real good stuff in my head, burnt off the hair on top, and eyebrows, ears and nose have a very lush output!

    1. Yep, sure signs that you do have a lot of real good stuff in your head.

  4. I sure hope you keep on blogging I very much enjoy reading it.

    1. Thank you JO. I probably will keep on blogging until I am not able to or dead, which ever comes first.

  5. I'm just glad that I am not as old as I feel in the mornings! We can't stop the aging, so we might as well make the best of it...right?

    1. Making the best of it sounds like a plan to me. No sense fighting it.

  6. I so agree with you about the signs of aging. And I agree that as long as my brain and typing skills keep working I am doing okay.

    1. Yep, there is always a good side of most everything.
