Thursday, January 17, 2019

Why I don't buy Lotto Tickets.

I don't purchase lottery tickets anymore.  Why?  You may ask.  Well, I really don't want to win.  I love the life I am living, I love where I am living, and I am quite comfortable, so why would I want to mess all that up by winning the lottery.  I have enough to eat (sometimes more than enough), a roof over my head, a nice motor home sitting out in the drive way in case we want to take a trip, an old tube type color TV (but I mostly watch the old black and white shows, especially the old westerns), etc.  I have a loving wife, two dogs that keep me smiling, and my son and his family live on the back of my property.  So you see, I can't think of anything that I would want that would make me happier than I am right now.

I definitely feel blessed.  I guess the only problem with us and our dogs is that we are getting old.  I was born back during World War Two, have seen a lot and have done a lot, and don't really want anything more than what we now have.  So, why buy a lottery ticket?  If I won, I would have to put up with a lot of hassle that I really don't need.  So, that is why I no longer purchase lottery tickets. 


  1. Replies
    1. That is the way I am thinking. Thanks Rob, for stopping by my blog today.

  2. I feel pretty much the same as you do, although about once or twice a year I get the feeling that I should buy one ticket - I never even have one winning number in that ticket! I always tell myself that is something or someone telling me I don't need millions of dollars. I think I would give it away as fast as I could because I wouldn't know how to be wealthy. I agree with you that wealth is having a great family, a good pet or pets to share your life, and food on the table.

    1. Some people are never satisfied. I am satisfied and it is a good feeling.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Sixbears, it takes a wise man to recognize another wise man.

  4. I used to buy a ticket every once in a while but not for years now. Like you I'm lucky to get one stinkin number and really who needs the hassel with IRS and all the friends and family you didn't know you had. I'm good I have what I need too

    1. There is a big difference for some people in what they need and what they want. We need very little to survive, just the basics, but some people just think they need a lot more.

  5. I feel very much like you do. I used to buy them and would have enough to wall a room by now. Then I got smart and said, why give someone else all my money? So now I am just content with what I have. Just don't need any more people asking me for a hand out.

    1. You are wise enough to know when to stop buying them. Good for you.

  6. I have it in my budget to buy two a week but I hardly ever purchase one.

    Last year I only purchased one ticket and I do not think I even got one number right.

    Like yourself I am pretty much satisfied with what I have.

    1. The lotto is just a way for the state governments to make money. That way they even get money from the poor people.

  7. my brother has always said that too. he lives in the last house down the street, and his back fence is the city limits, pasture behind him. within a block from the river. perfect place to raise a family, and when he said he'd been there 20 years, i was completely surprised...
