Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Windy Day

A front came through here in the middle of the night and boy, did it get windy.  I don't mean a pleasant breeze.  It was bowing quite hard and still is now at 4:00 PM.  Well, you might ask, how windy is it?  Well I will tell you.  I just saw some birds that looked like they were flying backwards.  Well, not really, but a lot of them are just walking around.  Of course the high winds do not keep them from stuffing themselves at my bird feeder.

My son and his wife have ducks, chickens, goats, etc. and the wind was so strong that the chickens who were facing away from the wind laid the same egg multiple times.  Yep, there ain't nothing between us and the north pole except a few strands of barbed wire and that type of fence doesn't slow the wind up much at all.

The wind sure does trim the dead limbs and branches out of the trees.  We have a big limb that fell from a tall oak and is being suspended by brush and bushes.  That is dangerous for any person or creature that wanders under it.  After it calms down, I may go out and see if I can pull that large limb down.  It is fairly large, I would say it is about six or seven inches in diameter.

I took this first picture to show the thick brush where it landed.  If you look closely, you can see it in the middle of the picture.

Then I zoomed in on it.  As you can see, it is fairly large and I sure wouldn't want to be under it when it finally falls to the ground.  Of course that may take a long time for it to fall or maybe it will just stay where it is until it rots away.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Third day of that off and here in Terlingua.

    1. And the front brought in a lot of cold with that wind. Brrrrr I just went out to make sure my well and pressure tank was covered with a tarp.

  2. Now when a chicken can lay the same egg more than once I would say yes you had some powerful wind going on there. ;)

    1. Everything in Texas is big and powerful (grin).

  3. We had 6+ inches of snow over the weekend followed by single digit temps with below zero wind chill. This AM it is zero degrees outside. And to think I have to go out this morning to see the dentist. Yuk!!!

    1. I remember those days when I lived in Pennsylvania. Down here, everyone thinks it is cold if it gets much below seventy degrees. . .
