Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Them Bones, Them Bones

My wife went out for a walk around our driveways and of course I decided to sit in my rocker/recliner and watch TV and look at stuff on the internet.  Yes, even at my age I can do two things at once (grin).  Then my cellphone rang and it was my wife saying I should come out and see the strange bones she found.  So, I put on my cowboy boots and headed on out.  She showed me the bones and guess what, I have no idea what they are or from what creature they came from.  I laid them up on the hood of my jeep and put my pen beside it to give you something to compare it to for size:

I have seen a lot of bones, but never have I seen any with such perfect round holes in it.  Sure does have me puzzled.  I wonder if my daughter-in-law is missing any ducks or chickens?


Ok, then I found some white feathers.  That is extra evidence that it was probably a duck or a chicken:

Then a little further along, I spotted a big fungus lunching on a tree stump.

OK, that was the extent of our walk.  I did look up in the sky and saw a lot buzzards flying around, so I hurried into the house before they were able to get me.  Dang, I didn't know I looked THAT bad.  Now, you all take a walk and tell me what all you see and have a great day, you hear?


  1. My first thought when I saw the bones were that they could be from some kind of bird, but I don't know why I say that. I wish I saw interesting things on my walks with Rocky - but it's the same old thing all the time.

    1. We were just walking back and forth in our driveway, but living out in the country, you get to see more things like this.

  2. Those are some interesting bones. Wish I could take a walk today, but I am snowed in. Schools are closed and the snowplow left a huge deposit at the end of my driveway.

    1. I more than half my life living up north and had those same problems. I would have just finished shoveling out my driveway when the snow plow would come by and close it off. Now that I live in East Texas, I haven't had that problem.

  3. I too was going to say they look like bird bones but I would have been wrong!
