Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Which is the Right Side of the Bed?

OK, I am confused.  I have read different ways to tell which is the right side of the bed and they don't always agree.  I have heard that if you stand at the head of the bed looking down over the bed, that your right hand is on the right side and your left hand is on the left.  OK, but I have also heard the same thing only standing at the foot of the bed looking at the bed and the right hand side would be on your right side.  Trouble is, they are opposite and both can't be right.

Now, if I ask you what side of the bed do you sleep on, what would be your answer and how did you determine which it was?  Sometimes simple things get me confused (grin).

I think I will just go to bed but to be safe, maybe I will sleep in the middle.  That way, if you ask me tomorrow which side of the bed I slept on, I can just answer, neither.  Now I went and did it.  When I go to bed tonight, I will probably just lay awake and wonder which side of the bed is the right or the left.  Hope you all have a good night's sleep and hopefully, will see you all tomorrow.  Have a great evening, you hear?


  1. I sleep all over the bed but mostly standing at the end of the bed on the left side, but when I first go to bed on am on the right side since I find that more comfortable for reading.

    1. OK, so one must stand at the foot of the bed facing it to determine which is the left or right side of the bed.

  2. Whichever side I sleep on is the right side for me! - lol

  3. That is a great question. I feel I sleep in the left side because when I sleep on MY left side I am facing the edge of the bed.

    1. OK, then you would stand at the head of the bed facing it to determine which side is left or right.

  4. Hmm not sure, I sleep on my right side on the left side of the bed. I think that has it covered.

    1. Yep, it feel good to be covered when you are sleeping (grin).

  5. In my case there is a correct side and a wrong side since there is a wall on three sides of my bed.

    1. That makes it easy for you to get into the correct side of the bed.

  6. I sleep on the side my wife tells me to.
