Thursday, January 10, 2019

Scary Words, Statements, and Questions

What words, statements, and questions scare you or make you feel very uncomfortable?  First, let me say that not much scares an old fart like me, except maybe the death or sickness of a loved one or a pet.  The longer you live the more death you see.

Some death is good for us.  We kill animals, fish, vegetables, grain and fruit so that we may have food and survive.  We kill bacteria to keep us well or to cure us from sickness.  Therefore, we must surmise that killing can be good.  Unexpected death is not good, whether it be a family member, a friend, a pet, or whoever.

For a single girl, the doctors statement that "you are pregnant" can be scary, especially for the father to be.

When you are doing things you shouldn't do and someone walks in and asks "What are you doing?".

When you loved ones tells you not to do something and you don't listen and get hurt or break something or. . .

Taxes, fines, trials, surgery, commitments, illness, and for some, the unknown.  Now tell me, what words or short phrases scare you?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. OMG, I won't even begin! I'm trying to not think about politicians & politics during 2019. They all certainly frighten me.

    1. Yep, any words or phrases that come out of the mouths of politicians are scary for sure. Thanks for adding that, Gypsy.

  2. Replies
    1. Now that made me laugh out loud. You hit the nail on the head with that one.

  3. When the store clerk says to me, 'sorry, we don't carry that brand of peanut butter anymore!!

    1. I shy away from peanut butter but just love almond butter and it is better for you.

  4. When the VA doctor says "We may have a problem here"...that is a bit scary to me. That happened Wednesday.

    1. I certainly hope it was only a minor problem and easily fixable!

    2. I hope the problem was with your scheduling instead of your health. Hope all works out for your, Mr. Jim.

  5. When your favorite computer website says they are making some changes to it. I don't deal well with change. My bank is making major changes to their website and the demonstration are all gibberish to me.

    1. I am at the age where I don't do change very well, and I mean any change in anything. I do understand.

  6. When the national and local weather services verify and tell us we are in the strike zone of a hurricane; even though I grew up in hurricane territory, it still raises my blood pressure and remembering all the right things to do becomes overwhelming.

    1. Yes, hurricanes can cause lots of damage and even death. They do scare me. One time we were in the strike zone and I looked and my home and my motorhome and said that there is no way it is going to get both, so took the motorhome out toward west Texas. When I came home, my home was still there but all the power was out. My son had a generator that could run pump on our well.
