Saturday, January 5, 2019

Took a Little Walk

My wife and I took a little walk out the driveway, and noticed our neighbors standing down along their fence next to our driveway.  We walked down and had a great chat with them.

Our front yard looked like a swamp.  Here is a picture of it, yep it is quite wet.  We have had a lot of rain.

Along side the inner driveway, I noticed all these black colored small round berries.  Since they are still there and the birds have left them alone, I must surmise that they are poisonous, although I do not know for sure.  No, I ain't going to taste any of them.

That was an enjoyable walk with good neighbors and a beautiful day.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Nothing quite like a good nice walk in great weather and a nice chat with the neighbours, sounds like a pretty perfect day , in your swamp there, lol.

    1. I have a huge swamp and two ponds in the middle of my property. That wet spot was in my front yard.

  2. You are so lucky to have good neighbors. I have some that are really fine, while others are less so. Yes, I'd leave the berries alone just to be on the safe side!

    1. Do you remember Euell Gibbons. I read all his books way back when and knew what to eat and what not to eat in the wild. Those berries are not on my "good to eat" file.

  3. Good to have neighbors you can talk with. Birds get away with eating a lot of berries that would kill humans. If they aren't touching them, I'd certainly avoid them.

    1. My rule of thumb is if you don't know don't eat it. There is plenty of wild things that can be eaten, so don't take the chance with things you don't know.

  4. I am not sure about what is good so I leave them where they are.

  5. I always love it when the sun is shining and I can take a nice walk. Also seeing and talking with neighbors is a real treat for me.

    1. Our neighbors had moved away and their daughter was living there. Now, they have returned and all is now right in the neighborhood.
