Thursday, January 3, 2019

What Is Your Talent?

Everyone has some things that they do better than normal.  Some are athletic and can do physical things that normal people can not.  Some are more intelligent, some are more beautiful, some can understand and solve scientific problems, some are extra strong and lift more weight than others, some can run faster, some can run further, some can give great speeches, and some can sing better.

They say if you don't use your talent you will loose it, like a weight lifter who quite lifting weights looses his muscles.  Since I haven't used my talent in a long time, I have lost it.  So, you may want to know, what my talent is.  Well I will tell you.

When I was in grade school, we had a wonderful music teacher that thought he saw some talent in me.  One year, at the end of the school year, the senior choir put on a big performance.  That music teacher asked me to sing with them, in fact, he wanted me to do a solo.  I stood in the front row of the choir and when my turn came to sing the solo, I was told to step forward.  When I did, most of the audience laughed because I was just a little kid that didn't seem to know what to do.  When I started to sing my solo, everyone became quiet.  They said I did a great job.

As I grew up and after I was grown up, music and singing was a huge part of my life.  I played trumpet in the band, but I sang in the choir and in quartets and also did solos in church and for weddings.  I have to say that my favorite was singing in a barbershop quartet.  Loved that close harmony.  I don't sing any more.  They say if you don't use it you lose it.  I guess I may have lost it.

Is there a moral to this story?  I guess if there was one it would be to use you talents or lose it.  Now I know that each and every one of you have a talent and I want you to tell us what it is and a little bit about it.  Now, use your talent and have a really great day, you hear?


  1. Well I think you I enjoy cooking and am pretty good at it I guess , my restaurant customers never complained and I still enjoy cooking every day. Also my wood working I loved but no more workshop so guess I will loose it maybe.

    1. Since I just love to eat, I would appreciate your talent.

  2. Replies
    1. I figured it out, I am excellent at writing really dumb blog entries.

    2. Your blog is always quite interesting and informing. I always learn a lot from your blog postings, especially about fishing. And your comments are equally interesting and informing.

  3. i'm good at a lot of things but keep it all to myself.

  4. When I was traveling I got into photagraphy did pretty good and managed to sell some photos at craft shows. I haven't done much and I sure hope I don't lose my eye for things.

    1. Keep that eye working, even if you are not looking through a camera lens. Appreciate the beauty around you.

  5. Well, I know singing was never my talent. Growing up they wouldn't let me sing in church. I was pretty good at using volume instead of talent. :)

  6. Can't think of anything special that I am good at. Guess I am average at most things. I must sing pretty good as I was asked to sing in the church choir.

    1. Don't underestimate yourself. I am sure your are really good at a lot of things including singing.

  7. I'm good at harnessing gravity. I can press down with my feet much harder than most folks.

    1. That is good, we don't want you floating away. If you really do have "big feet" like your name implies, then the pounds per square inch would be on the low side. . .

  8. I am good at managing money. It runs in the family my mother as well as my uncle are good at it too.

    1. I have found that the best way to manage money is to just not spend any. Of course, that just never works out for very long.
