Thursday, December 13, 2018

Why Did I Say That??

Have you ever heard of that disease that cattle get called hoof and mouth disease?  Well, sometimes I suffer from foot in mouth disease.  That is caused by talking without thinking.  Maybe I should give you some examples.

1.   When someone says "I have been on a diet for months, so how do I look?"  Your comment is "Oh, you have been on a diet?"  Time to extract foot from mouth.

2.   When your wife comes home from shopping and asks how you like her new dress.  You shouldn't say "You bought THAT?".  Quick now, take that dang foot out of your mouth and gargle.

3.   When you meet an old high school buddy and he looks a hundred years old.  You shouldn't say "Wow buddy, you look awful.  You sure must have had a rough life?".  Extract one foot from one mouth.

4.   When you see a drawing and say "It is so bad, I can't figure out what it is."  And then you find out your kid, or your grandkid, or your great grandkid did it just for you.  Oh my, that foot stuck in your mouth really hurts and you try hard to remove it.

That is enough examples.  I am sure you all know what I am trying to say and I am also sure that you have stuck your foot in your mouth more than once.  This is a disease, Foot in Mouth Disease, that I keep getting over and over again, but it does make my life more interesting for sure.  Now, keep your foot out of your mouth and have a great day, you hear?


  1. LOL - That's why they say that silence is golden!

  2. DD Be sure and keep your toenails short and filed smooth.

    1. You got a good point there, Barney. Would hate to tear up my tongue.

  3. I'm good at sticking my foot in my mouth sometimes both of them, so like
    Gorges said, Silence Golden

    1. Silence may be golden but not near as much fun. . .

  4. I know for a fact that I have Foot In Mouth Disease. Hope they find a cure for it some day. Haha

    1. I guess the only cure is to sew your lips shut.

  5. Sometimes those things just happen and are usually you first honest opinion, that are better kept to your self

    1. The trouble with those "first honest opinions" is that you may have not taken time to know all the facts.

  6. We would not be human if we had not at one time or another in our lives suffered from foot and mouth disease.
