Monday, December 3, 2018

What Is Silence?

Silence, in this case, is defined as a complete absence of sound.  How many of you have experienced complete absence of sound?  I have never experienced complete silence.  Let me explain.

Many, many years ago when I was a young boy, I was laying in my bed sleeping.  I woke up in the middle of the night and just laid there for a few seconds listing to all the night critters (crickets, katydids, etc.) sing their beautiful songs.  That is, until I realized it was in the middle of winter with over a foot of snow on the ground.  It should be completely silent, but it wasn't.  Yep, the sound was coming from my own ears.

Earlier in my life, I had suffered a lot of ear infections during which caused my eardrums to brake or, if caught in time, lanced.  That had left me with a constant sound, which I have to this day.  The sound seems to get louder if I am not feeling well, but last night and so far today, the ringing in my ears is quite loud.  I do not feel sick, so maybe this will be my "normal" from now on.

I suppose that it inhibits my hearing to some extent, especially sounds that are of the same or near the same frequency.  I used to wear hearing aids, which did seem to help some, but they wore out and I have never replaced them.  This morning the ringing seems quite loud, but maybe that is because I have been thinking about it and writing about it here on my blog.  Now, I would appreciate it if you all would stop ringing all those bells and just have a great day, you hear?


  1. That ringing has been in my ears as well fro many years, I wear my hearing aides if I want to hear otherwise I am lost,
    We always having a good day thanks.

    1. My hearing aids didn't seem to help any, although they did amplify the sounds I wanted to hear.

  2. The ringing in your ears is medically called "Tinnitus" which I also experience. Mine was due to working in an extremely noisy work environment. Even though I wore hearing protection there was damage done. There are bogus claims out there saying that it is reversible but it is just a Scam. Sometimes the Ringing will drown out the voice of someone you are trying to hear. Otherwise I have great hearing but just wish the Ringing would stop.
    Wishing you a Safe and Enjoyable Day as well.

    It's about time.

    1. As I said, mine was caused by illness, but a noisy environment doesn't help, either. I was forging die design engineer and being next to huge hammers and noisy trim presses, didn't help matters.

  3. Replies
    1. Good name for them. Of course now that I have moved to Texas, they may be real. We don't always have a winter, only some years.

  4. I have had constant ringing in my ears since taking a certain medication in the 1990's. I can ignore it some of the time but not all.

    1. I know what you mean. If I am concentrating on something, it takes my mind from listening to the ringing, but it is always there.

  5. Where I live at night can be very quiet so yes I have been in total silence. Wish it was more often.

    1. It was fairly quiet at my place last night and then the owls started yelling at each other.

  6. I have a constant loud "buzzing" in my ears. Most of the time I can just ignore it, but at night when it is quiet it can seem really loud. One of the "old age" symptoms I have learned to live with.

    1. I understand for sure. Although I have had mine since childhood, the older I get the louder it seems to get.

  7. Back when I was able to arrive at the Chili Cook-off a week before the crowds showed up I was able to experience silence during the night. It was wonderful!

    1. It is hard to find a place anymore where it is silent. I bet that was a quite an experience.
