Sunday, December 2, 2018

Big Cat Spotted Again

Yesterday, we took some stuff down to the flea market to give to a friend to sell.  That way, the friend may be able to make a little bit more money than without it.  We didn't stay to walk around and came back home while it was still early morning.  On the way back, my wife spotted that big cat again in a small opening in the trees along the north side of the road about two miles from our place.

You remember my blog postings telling how we heard it yelling at night and my son got some good pictures of it on his game cameras that he has set up around our place.  I am glad it is still around, adds some spice to our lives.  Did you know that they can have a large territory?  Yep, depending on their food availability, they can have a territory that covers anywhere from 25 to 785 square miles.  Dang, that is large spread from minimum to maximum.  I would imagine that in this area, they would only roam close to the minimum area.  There is a lot of food for them when you consider all the pets and livestock people have around here.  My son has plenty of small livestock to keep them well fed (grin).  Of course, he really doesn't want to use them as feed for the big cat.

I have never seen one in the wild, and envy my wife sighting it yesterday.  Of course I wouldn't mind at all if it decided to move on.  But once one has been here, you just never know when it or another one will come back.  A little excitement in our lives is a welcome thing. . . well, it is for me, my wife, not so much.  Now stay away from the big kitties and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. In some because the Big Cats are on the Endangered Species List you are not allowed to hunt them and if they kill any of your Livestock the Bureau of Wildlife is supposed to pay you for it. What happens when it's person?
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I think they are a wonderful animal and I do like having them around. No, I wouldn't want to harm it.

  2. I remember as a kid never thinking twice about taking a nap in the woods if the squirrels weren't moving. These days, I wouldn't DARE drift off out there!

    1. I don't think that they would bother you, but I wouldn't wear cologne that smells like food or blood.

  3. WOW! your wife caught sight of him that's pretty cool. Just hope he finds enough food out there to stay away from your sons little critters.

    1. We have enough racoons on our place to feed it for a long time. My son put out a little sour mash and his game camera caught 13 of them in one picture. That means there must be a lot more.

  4. Dizzy, this one may not be the same cat; there may be more than one; they have families like we do! If you love your pet, be very careful and let the Wildlife people know you have spotted one and where.

    1. Yes, it could very well be another one. They do have a large territory and in more human populated areas, I would think that they would enlarge their territory to be able to find sufficient food.

  5. How exciting for your wife to actually see it. I wouldn't mind having one around if it kept the "rodent" population down (that includes those pesky raccoons.

    1. I don't mind it being around, in fact I like to have it here.

  6. They are a beautiful animal, so nice that your wife spotted it. Nothing like a little spice in your surroundings.

    1. Yes they are and I am jealous of my wife, since I didn't see it. BTW, my son's game camera also picked up Bobcats, Foxes, and Coyote.

  7. heard that my new neighbor that bought the property on top of the hill behind me, saw one twice, and like you, im all excited, and watching for it. Especially when i get home after dark. That hill goes down to the river, so no telling what roams around here,,, coming up from there. LOVE it too! I know there's a den of fox around there, seen them.
