Saturday, November 24, 2018

Met Blogger Friends

We who participate in the blogger world love to meet other bloggers face to face.  I have met quite a few of them over the years.  Some of them have passed away and some have just moved far away.  I have never forgotten any of them.

But, it is so very nice to meet with bloggers who are very much alive and enjoying both their blogging world and their RV life style.  What a wonderful surprise it was to find out that a blogging, RVing couple had stopped fairly close to me at an RV park.  Therefore, we just had to take a short trip to meet up with them in person.

This wonderful couple were from Canada and since they were stopped for a few days close to us, we just had to go see them, which we did.  Both my wife and I had a wonderful time flapping our jaws with them and I must admit that I out flapped my wife for sure.  It is so very special to finally meet with a couple who we have followed on Blogger.  Here is a picture that I took of George and Suzie with their RV behind them.  

George showed me how to set my camera on delay, and we all got into my next shot.

Hated to see the visit come to an end, but we headed home with smiles on our faces.  If any of you ever get a chance to meet with them, I highly recommend that you do.  Have safe travels, George and Suzie, and hope to see you again in the future.  Thanks for the wonderful day and I want all of you have a great day, you hear?


  1. I always cherish the visits I've have with bloggers, going way back. Everyone looks great - big smiles by all!

    1. Yes, it was great. The reason for the smiles is that just before the camera went off, someone yelled "smile". (grin) They were a wonderful and pleasant couple and we sure did enjoy the visit.

  2. My lovely wife and I enjoyed our visit with you and your lovely wife. The dogs were fun too! All the best Dizzy!

  3. I follow George and Suzie's blog. They seem like lovely people.

    1. I do, too, and yes, they are lovely people for sure.

  4. Always fun to meet up with George and Suzi!

  5. I think one of the foremost rewards of being a blogger is having the privilege to meet fellow bloggers and followers.

    I treasure the times I have spent with readers I have followed for years. Wish I was able to travel and meet up with many more.

    1. If it were not for blogger, I would have never met a lot of people in person who I consider friends.

  6. What a fun visit it was sure glad that you guys were able to hook up with us. The time went so quickly and we enjoyed meeting with you as well. Look forward to meeting up again.

    1. The pleasure was all ours. You two are a beautiful couple and we sure did enjoy our visit.

  7. It's a small world. I met them in Quartzsite last year. New reader here ... hopefully I'll meet up with you somewhere down the road too.

    1. It is a small world, especially for people who blog and travel, too.

  8. I hope some day to be able to meet some of my Blogging friends. I'm sure that was a special time for you.

    1. It was special. Actually, I have met quite a few of my fellow bloggers over the years. Some are no longer with us so the memories of meeting them are precious.

  9. first met a couple from OK on their way to Kerrville, Tx. Met them in Fredericksburg, but don't remember who they were now... long time, and my memory. lol. Also met Billy Bob and the Fat man at Inks Lake,, about 20 miles from here. Like you, i love it.

  10. You dead yet? hahahaha reading a post from me,,,might have made you fall over dead...

    1. Glad to hear from you Trouble. Hope all is going well with you. I remember Inks Lake and meeting with you.
