Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Never Know What You Will Find

I always try to be aware of my surroundings at all time.  No, not just for safety, although that is a part of it, but to see what all I can see.  Especially when walking outside, the more you pay attention to your surroundings the more interesting things you will see and the safer you will be.

When I took the garbage out to the dumpster, as I was walking along my driveway, I happened to look down and saw a small white stone that looked like a skull.  Of course I leaned over and picked it up.  Dang, even up close it looked like a skull.  Here is a picture of it:

I have no idea where it came from or why I hadn't seen it before.  The only logical explanation is that it was an alien who couldn't find his way back to his flying saucer and his buddies left without him.  OK, you don't like that explanation?  Then you tell me what it is and where it came from.  Now, have a happy day and keep aware of what all is around you, you hear?


  1. That certainly doesn't look like anything but a tiny skull! You may be right about it belonging to an alien!

    1. Too bad I couldn't find the tiny flying saucer. .

    2. I think you're right about the alien skull. I'll bet the saucer has it's invisibility turned on and is still hovering there, the being opened the door to get a better look & just fell out..

      Have a happy Thanksgiving day!

  2. Aliens here it Texas I betcha, we drove by you area yesterday on the way to Willis, At least the sun us shining here, always love this area. If you around and in the mood drop by.

    1. We leave Sunday for a cruise back here Dec 2nd leave n the 4th.
      my e mail

  3. I have no idea what that is, but it is definitely unusual.

  4. Looks more like a panda bear to me! - lol

    1. Now that you mention it, it does look like a panda.

  5. Granny J was the patron saint of those who meander and pay attention. I told of her several times in my blog before she died. was her daily blog.

  6. I totally support the Alien theory and figure that little fella is definitely from Planet Panda.

    1. I think you are right about the name of the planet, but in what galaxy is it located??

  7. Hmmm I think it looks like a mummy head shrunken one at that. Happy Thanksgiving all.

  8. I have no idea what it is, but an alien skull is as good a guess as any. Anyway, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Sounds right to me. Thanks for the holiday wishes and the same to you. We don't celebrate holidays much anymore. Every day is a holiday for me.

  9. It looks more like a Panda to me...good find though.

    1. I see the resemblance to a Panda, but it is not exactly correct. That is why I said it was an alien. I just don't know what it is, except it is a little stone.
