Friday, November 16, 2018


I just went outside and happened to look up and the sky was filled with vultures.  Well now, that brings up a question.  What is the difference between vultures and buzzards?  Well, I believe that vultures are very large birds that clean up all the dead things laying around.  Their official name is Turkey Vulture.

So, what is a Buzzard?  The word "buzzard" comes from the "buteo" which is the genus name for several species of fairly large raptors of the type of bird that we here in the U.S. call hawks.  BTW, I had to look this information up to make sure that I was correct.

After I spotted all those large birds, I ran into the house to get my camera and ran back out and the sky was clear.  I have no idea how they disappeared so fast.  That was disappointing.  I thought that I would have a picture of a sky full of Vultures to post for my readers, but I was wrong. . . sorry.  I know I am getting old but I thought that those vultures would at least wait until I fell over.  Now, watch out for Vultures and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Buzzards also have Black Heads and you find a lot of them in Florida doing the same thing. We were surprised to find Vultures in Southern Ontario a few years back.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It appears to me that they are migrating but not sure. Maybe they are tired of Texas weather and are heading over Florida way to get that Florida sunshine that they advertise. . .

  2. Replies
    1. I live near the Gulf coast of Texas, so maybe they stopped on their way further south.

  3. I used to have vultures in my yard every day during the Summer, but haven't seen any for a few weeks. Guess they are taking a vacation and I sure don't mind!

    1. Maybe you just seem way too healthy and they got tired of waiting for you to drop over (GRIN). So they came up here to see if this old guy had dropped over yet.

  4. It always happens to me when I want to take a photo of something special or that I want to blog the time I run inside to find my camera...the subject of my attention is gone :-(

    1. I wonder why it always happens that way? Just when you need a camera, you don't have one.

  5. Too bad you did not get a picture my camera is always with me in my pocket.

    1. Actually, I was just letting the dogs out when I spotted the vultures. I usually try to have a camera with me most of the time. The only time I don't have it is when the best picture taking opportunity comes along.

  6. Wow, too bad they didn't wait for you to get your camera. I bet that was a beautiful sight to see.

    1. I still don't understand how all those birds disappeared so quickly. Poof, and they were gone.

  7. Here in east Tennessee hawks are a 'different breed'. They are much smaller than turkey buzzards and I have always assumed they only take live prey. A red tailed hawk actually brushed my arm once trying to grab my Blue Crowned Conure. Sure glad that didn't happen! It was close! Bubba and I were best buddies for 20 years. How I miss him! As for buzzards/vultures, they are forever circling overhead here. They are "enchanted" by my tiny dogs running about and probably hoping one drops over but so far we have been very lucky
