Tuesday, November 13, 2018

"Baby, it's cold outside".

I moved from the cold northern states to the sunny Gulf shore area of the great state of Texas.  I am not located on the shore but it is within a couple or so hours drive from my place.  We are far enough south to have fairly warm winters but not far enough to prevent some freezing.  Here, near Conroe, Tx. the early morning lows for today and tomorrow will be in the mid 20's with highs in the mid to upper 40's.  After that, it will get back up to normal temperatures for this area.

I am still sitting here in my rocker/recliner with my zip up sweatshirt on backwards.  Why backwards?  Well, sitting in this fabric covered high back chair, my back stays quite warm but the front of me can get cold, so why not wear the sweatshirt backward.  That way, it completely covers my front and I can still put my arms in the sleeves.  Don't laugh, it works for me except when I get up, it looks like I am walking backwards with my head completely turned around 180 degrees from normal.  Oh, you say that is normal for me???  Now, stay warm and have a great day, you hear?


  1. lol - I've done the same thing when warming up my truck on a cold morning. It's also easier to get my jacket off once the truck is warm!

    1. Sure glad to find out that I ain't alone. I believe that it is more important to keep the front of your body warm than the back. The best way is to keep both warm (grin).

  2. Oh my that cold is not fun. We should be in Willis Next Tuesday and will bring some heat with us ok?

    1. That will be fine with me. I believe it is suppose to warm by them, but I will give you the credit for it.

  3. Yes it is cold not quite as cold as you are but with the wind blowing so hard it can remove the hair on your head made it cold enough. Went to get the empty trash from the street as soon as it was empty and already heading for hills by time I got in the house my ears burned from the cold wind.

  4. Good plan. That way the taco sauce dribbles will be on your backside during a Wal-Mart trip. I think I'll try this technique.

  5. another cold day here in WI. 17 degrees outside when I got up this morning with a high of 30. Sure wish I could move south where it is warmer and winter doesn't last for six months. I love your idea of wearing the sweatshirt backwards. I sit in my rocker all covered in a huge blanket.

    1. I don't know about the rest of the South, but here in East Texas it has been a cold winter so far. Of course we think anything below 70 degrees is cold.

  6. I usually like the cold weather but the older I get the harder it is to tolerate much cold.

    1. I am like you. I used to love the cold, not so much anymore. But I would rather have the cold than for it to be too hot. You can always put more clothes on but you can only take off clothes down to your skin and it can still be hot.

  7. You made me smile. I can actually picture you sitting on your rocking chair with your sweat shirt backwards :)
