Friday, November 9, 2018

Multiple Close Encounters.

From what I read on the internet, there will be three asteroids whizzing past Earth between the Earth and the Moon tomorrow.  If the astronomers' calculations are correct, they will not hit the Earth.  That is the good news.  The bad news is that next time we might not be so lucky.  There are many, many more hunks of rock floating around up there.  Actually, most of them are in orbit around the Sun.  They are left over from the formation of the planets.  So, this is not a once in a million years encounter but there will be lots more of them in the future.  There were lots of them pass by in the past but most were before we had the capability of spotting them.  You do remember that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a large asteroid smashing into the Earth, don't you?

Nice and cool here today.  It is only 51 degrees here at 3:00 pm.  Actually, it is refreshing and I love it.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Every "shooting star" is a reminder.

    1. Yes sir, they are. It is about time I get my big telescope out. Haven't had it out for quite some time. Once I get it out, I like to keep it out for at least three or four nights. I have smaller scopes but the one with the 16 inch mirror has spoiled me.

  2. You can have some of this nasty rain we are getting.

    1. We had it and I sent it your way. You just keep it for awhile. . .

  3. Funny you should mention the dinosaurs end.. a couple of days ago on Amazon Prime I watched "Night of the Comet", a entertaining "B" movie from 1984 (I liked it :-)
    Near the beginning of the movie they say the last time the comet came by & the Earth went thru it's tail was about the same time the dinosaurs all died off... {insert sinister laugh}

    1. It is a dangerous universe we live in. Earth is the exception, not the rule.

  4. Well lets hope by time it gets to close they will have a way to sap it.

    It is getting cold we are in the low 50's overnight but that is going to change and drop into the 30's glad I had my heater set up yesterday I like the cold but not that cold in the morning

    1. I guess the summer has gotten me spoiled. Now I think 50 degrees is cold and of course, the worse is yet to come.

  5. I understand that the really cold weather will come early next week, around Wednesday or so. Personally I kinda like the cooler weather (50s 0r 60s) but not freezing.

    1. Yep, I don't like freezing weather, either. The pump and pressure tank of my well just sits out in the open. When it gets really cold, I put a tarp over it with a light bulb under the tarp.

  6. if they get close enough maybe the northern part of the US will get warmer weather. Snow on the ground here with temp at 17 degrees this AM. Brrrrr

    1. Wow, that sure is cold at your place. It has been quite awhile since I lived in Pennsylvania and Michigan, but I still remember the cold and the snow. Liked the snow. Made everything seem new and peaceful.

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