Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Got Gas?

Got gas?  Well, I need some.  OK, let me explain.  We heat our home with an electric furnace, but my wife prefers to cook with gas.  So, we have a 250 gallon propane tank which lasts us quite a long time but it is time to get it filled up.

That is usually not a problem but it has been pretty wet around here and the heavy propane truck driver should be very careful where he goes.  I wouldn't advise getting off the driveway, but he may have to.  That would depend on how long the hose or hoses are that he carries on his truck.  I will insist that he gets out of his truck and checks it out.  I will also tell him if he thinks it will be a problem, we could wait till it dries up a bit, but this time of year, that may be too long.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Good luck with getting your gas, gotta eat.

    1. Cold water and cool meals are not to my liking.

  2. Of course if that propane truck were to slip off your driveway and become permanently stuck you sure would have a big propane tank on your property to draw from for the rest of the winter.…..and maybe the following winter too.

    1. I never thought of that. Maybe I could set a trap for it???

  3. And if the truck gets stuck like Al said then just thing of all the goodies your wife can bake and you can help her.

    1. I am already a lot heavier than my normal weight.

  4. I am right there with your wife in preferring gas over electric to cook with. Hope the truck doesn't get stuck.

    1. He should be here any time now, just sitting here waiting for him and watching The Price Is Right show.

  5. I found myself in the same situation more than I care to remember because I waited until the last minute to fill up our propane tank. Had deep ruts but their truck did not get stuck.

    Good luck!

    1. I just went out and walked over the area he well be driving on and it didn't seem too soft, but then, I am only a fraction of the weight of that big truck.
