Thursday, December 20, 2018

What A Beautiful Sky

This morning I went out to open my gate so the gas man can deliver some propane.  I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the sky was.  I hurried back to the house and got my camera.  Yep, you guessed it, I am going to post a few sky pictures.

Yep, it is a beautiful morning here at Swamp Crest.

Remember that old TV show, Falcon Crest?  Well, that is where I got the idea to call my place Swamp Crest.  Don't you think that would make a wonderful title for a TV show?  Of course, our property really has a large swamp in the middle of it along with two ponds, but we don't have any falcons that I know of.  I am sure some may have flown over and maybe even visited for awhile, but of course, I can't verify that.  If your day is anywhere close to as nice as the one I am having, you better get out and enjoy it, you hear?


  1. People would think you lived in DC. - lol

    1. Yep I am full of gas now which replaced all my hot air (grin).

  2. "Swamp Crest". The first thought that popped into my head was the "Addams Family" :-)

    Great sky pictures!

  3. I like the Swamp Crest name , kinda cool

    1. Maybe I should start my own TV show. . . or not.

  4. I really like and appreciate your post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

    1. I have been writing a blog for many years and it sure is hard to come up with something new every day or so.

  5. Those are some beautiful shots of a beautiful sky. Yes, I do remember Falcon Crest. Watched it every week. I like the name you chose for your place.

    1. God's and Nature's art work are so much more beautiful than anything a human artist could do.
