Saturday, October 6, 2018

What Are They Smelling? And small mushrooms.

When I took my two dogs out last night before I went to bed, the youngest one put her head up in the air and sniffed and sniffed and sniffed and then she turned around and ran back up the stairs and into the house.  I wonder what she smelled?  And then she did the same thing this morning.  So, I bet that mountain lion is still hanging around, just out of sight.  With the trees and brush all around my place, it wouldn't have to be more than a few yards away from the dogs' fence, which is my backyard fence.

When I was out in the back yard, I noticed tiny little red mushrooms.  I thought that they looked really neat, so I went back in the house and retrieved my camera and took a few pictures.  I placed a dime on the ground to give you a comparison of their size.

And another picture taken near ground level:

That is all for today.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Interesting fungi this year. Your fungi are prettier than mine. lol

    Mine looks like a carrot. It is called a stinkhorn. I have never seen one before. Weird.

    1. I have seen those stinkhorn and smelled them, too.

  2. So tiny but so pretty, be interesting to see if they get any bigger. You have a smart pup to run back in when smelling something she doesn't like

    1. After a mountain lion showed up on my place, I start trusting any warning signs, like the way our two dogs act when they go outside.

  3. Wonder what they were smelling???
    This tiny mushrooms are cute.

    1. I figured the big cat was back, but who knows, only their nose knows. Yes, I thought the mushrooms were cute. There is a lot of beauty in Nature if we take time look.

  4. I'm big into western history, and have spent hundreds of hours searching out and photographing the remains of ghosts towns. A few years back I was relating my experiences of checking out what's left of Charleston, Arizona to a friend. He has his own Charleston story. He had a feeling that he was being followed, so he paused for a while. He heard what sounded like some twigs snapping, and soon spotted a cougar hiding behind some scrub brush, staring at him. Obviously he was being stalked. So, he fired his revolver over the cat's head, whereupon Mr. kitty took off running. After that, I always carry my trusted Colt 45, my favorite weapon, when I'm tramping around in the desert. A friend who owns a museum in Tombstone (the Western Heritage Museum)arranged the purchase of my custom made Colt. We were given a tour of the Sanders Ranch out in Sulphur Springs by Jerry Sanders, and he allowed my friend to collected some deadwood from the very tree where the Earp party placed Johnny Ringo's body following Wyatt's successful tracking and killing of Ringo. A friend of my friend fashioned the grips for my customer Colt from some of that deadwood. That's definitely my favorite weapon.

    1. I have plenty of firearms and usually just carry my model 1911 45 auto. fits neatly on my bely. Like you, I figure the sound would scare them off. But I am too ugly for any cat to want go after me. . .

    2. Engraved on the barrel of my custom Colt 45 (the “Peacemaker”) is: “1850 - John Ringo - 1882” also “SINGLE ACTION ARMY .45”

      My friend, owner of the Western Heritage Museum in Tombstone, approached the Colt folks about manufacturing a limited edition. From what I can gather, Colt manufactured it up until 1956!

      Anyway, my friend got Colt to agree to open the line up again if he could get orders for 222 Peacemakers. That was the serial number of the Peacemaker (7-1/2“ barrel) found on Ringo’s body.

      Apparently he was unable to come up with 222 paid orders, so an Italian company produced my Peacemaker. Serial #1 is on display in the museum. Serial #2 was being reserved for the Mayor of Tombstone, but he kept hesitating on final payment. My friend called the Mayor one last time. When he got off the phone he said “The gun’s yours.”

      So, I have Serial #2. I could have sold the gun dozens of times. In fact, I could have made a few bucks before the gun was even produced - my order was confirmed, and guys were offering to buy the next one off the line at some pretty high prices.

      I would never even consider selling it, but often wonder what it would be worth had it been produced by Colt.

      Sadly, my friend passed away a few years ago, a victim of lung cancer (those damned cigarettes!).

  5. I'll bet that big cat was still hanging around. Those are some very interesting fungi growing there.

    1. My thoughts exactly. Why should it want to leave my place when it has cover, food, and water here? And yes, I thought those little fungi were interesting.
