Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Not a Restful Night.

I didn't have a restful night's sleep last night.  The first interruption to my sleep occurred just before one o'clock in the very early morning.  I heard something that made a chill run up and down my spine, my hair stand on end, and my eyes opened up very wide.  What was the sound I heard?  It was a scream.  No, not someone screaming but the scream of a very large cat.  Yep, our mountain lion is still hanging around my place.  The sound came from the southwest corner of my property.  I decided to wake my wife and tell her that if she gets up before me in the morning, not to let the dogs out without me being there.

That happened about one o'clock, as I said above.  Then around three o'clock this same morning, she woke me up saying she just heard it scream and it was to the east, close to where our son and daughter-in-law lives and has all those chickens, rabbits, ducks, and goats.  It is not all that bad to have a little extra excitement in our lives.  It keeps my old heart a pumping and my old lungs a breathing.  Now, I hope you (and I) have a quiet and peaceful day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Hay, at least it gave me a subject for my blog (grin).

  2. As far as I know, we don't have any in our neighborhood.

    1. So far, right? They do move around, especially the males looking for a mate and, of course, food.

  3. !Are the chickens all right? Poor old birds wouldn't stand a chance

    1. Yep, they seem fine. Not so sure about the ducks. I asked my son about them and he doesn't really know how many ducks they have. They have lots of them.

    2. That's duck soup for the cats!

  4. Glad you didn't head out to check or you might not have written this Post.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I wanted to go out, but my wife insisted that I stay in.

  5. Those mountain lions have quite the scream. Not something I'd like to wake up to. It's enough to give someone a heart attack.

    1. That is for sure. You probably have them up your way. Have you heard them scream?

  6. That's close a little to close but I still would love to see it and photograph him/her. I'm sure if it got any of your sons stock you would have heard about. But good blog material.

    1. I previously posted a picture taken by my son's game camera. He has a couple of those game cameras set up around our place, including one next to our driveway so he knows who is coming and going.

  7. You may have to be somewhat stern with the Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) as to their trapping or neutralizing this animal. You certainly have the evidence. I really don't see how you can live like that. It might get to the point where you tell the DNR to take care of the problem or you and your son will.

  8. I probably would have to change my drawers about that time! Scary stuff around your place. Thank goodness it isn't that way often, right?

    1. Living so close to densely populated areas, you wouldn't think they would be around, but my little place is an island where they can find some solitude.

  9. Can you shoot legally around your place?

  10. That would scare the pants off me, hearing that scream in the middle of the night. Sure hope that cat moves on to some place else real soon.

    1. There isn't any place better suited around here for a cat that size except my place. I only have 12 acres, but it has two ponds in the center and wooded all around the pond.
