Saturday, October 13, 2018

Watching TV

Almost everyone I know watches TV.  Some watch a lot and some watch only a few programs, usually the news.  I have to admit that I watch a lot of TV.  So I have a question for all of you.  What programs do you always watch and which are your favorites.

I will start out by saying I prefer all the old shows, you know, the ones that are only in black and white.  Right now, at this time, I am watching Perry Mason.  I also watch all the old western shows, like The Lawman, the black and white versions of Gunsmoke, etc.  Then there are shows like Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Twilight Zone, etc.  Some of them are on too late (or should I say, too early in the morning) for me, so we record them and watch them whenever we want to.  I guess I like the shows that I used to watch years ago.  And yes, that was a long time ago.  In fact, I can remember getting our first TV.  Since I was sick and couldn't get out to play, I guess my Dad felt sorry for me at the time.  And yes, the TV networks were not on all night.  They would show a test pattern instead of show.  OK, I guess I am giving my age away again.  I miss the good ole days. . .  Now, you all turn that boob tube off and read my blog, you hear?


  1. The power cord to my TV has been unplugged and wrapped around the TV for over four years now!

  2. That is because you are having "too much fun". Right?

  3. About the only thing the missus and I watch together is Gunsmoke and the local news. She's usually channel surfing while I'm usually on the computer.

    1. I know I have seen all the Gunsmoke shows before, but still watch them every time they are on. James Arness was just perfect for that part as marshal.

  4. I don't watch to much TV since my favorite shows are no long on or just in seasonal change. I do remember the test pattern LOL

    1. I see some of those old shows now (I just watched an old "Lost in Space" show) and I enjoy them again. Some, believe it or not, I can remember the story line.

  5. I don't watch television as much as I used to, but I can remember our first t.v. Black and white picture, of course.

    I do remember the snow on the screen after the sign off, though.

    1. You are giving away your age, Jim (grin). I have seen a lot of changes in my life but my Grandpa lived from the horse and buggy days and up to the space age. Remember Sputnik?

  6. I always have the television set to CNN. I absolutely love them and their unbias coverage of current events. I love them so much that I gave up my "telenovelas" after the coverage of hurricane Harvey last year. For me that is saying a lot!

  7. The Five on Fox News...every weekday at 4, central time.
    I have DVD boxed sets of Hitchcock and Twilight Zone that I'm saving for a cold winter day.

    1. Sounds like a good idea to me. Always loved those shows.

  8. we don't watch much tv at all , maybe 30 minutes to an hour all those old shows, if we can catch them or a good murder mystery.
    Do remember that test pattern as well.

    1. When out in the motorhome, I rarely watch broadcast TV. Carry a lot of VHS movies with me and watch them if I need entertainment in the evenings.

  9. I don't watch the news anymore. Since the 3rd party guy got in it's heavily slanted (92% the last report I read) against him & everything he does.
    I do watch a few weekly shows on over the air broadcast.

    1. There has been a few times I wanted to throw something at the TV, especially during a news cast commentary.

  10. Remembered my folks first TV and my dad watching the B&W Westerns while my mom like The Grand Olde Opera and Lawrence Welk.
    I got stuck fixing the Rabbit Ears but couldn't walk away because it dropped the connection. When UHF came in that was even worse turning the dial around the tuner.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Rick and Kathy, "I got stuck fixing the rabbit years ...". I remember having to do that, too. But came up with the idea of putting aluminum foil attached to each ear of the rabbit ears in the form of angel wings. It did help a little.

    2. Rick and Kathy,

      I remember the Grand Old Opry on the radio. Also had Gunsmoke, Straight Arrow, The Shadow, etc.

  11. No TV watching in my life for many years. It's too addictive for the many I see/know with TVs.

    1. I am on my computer as much if not more than I watch TV.
