Monday, October 15, 2018

Dumb Questions and Answers

I found some questions on the internet that I thought were interesting and deserved some answers.  I will try my best to answer them but I also want to hear what your answers would.

Here is the first one:

If a mirror reverses right and left, why doesn't it reverse up and down?

Now that is a good question.  Even if you turn the mirror on its side it still shows that up is still up, not to the side.  I don't have an answer for that.  Help me out here.

 How do you write zero in Roman numerals?

You can't.  The Romans didn't have a concept of nothingness, that is until later in history.

Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

No I can't.  That depends on how many people and how many holes they could dig.

Why do we call them hot water heaters when they heat cold water to make it hot?

You know, it seems to me it would make more sense to call them cold water heaters.

Why do wise guy and wise man mean entirely different things?

You mean they don't mean the same thing?  Dang, now I am mad at all the times I have been called a wise guy. . .

Why does Tarzan always look clean shaven?

Maybe he wasn't old enough to shave.  Good question, now I will wonder about that.

You can't have everything. Where would you put it?

I could find a place. . . or maybe not.  I know of no place to place everything except in space (grin).  Outer space, I mean.

OK, I am waiting to see your answers.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I laughed my head off when I got to the clean-shaven Tarzan question. Now that's a good one, and I don't think you could shave if you only lived in the wild!

    1. Just goes to show you that you can't believe everything you see in the movies.

  2. If our eyes were above each other then top and bottom in a mirror would be reversed instead of right and left.

  3. Yep, zero came from the Arabs, and I've heard those tanks called just plain "water heaters." - lol

    1. Yes, I know that the zero came from the Arabs. Not too many people know that.

  4. Since I am a big ZERO, that must mean I am an Arab!

    1. If you are that cold, maybe you should turn on some heat (grin). I don't think that Barney is an Arab name.

  5. Hmm Tarzan clean shaven ? I always wondered about that......
    And a water heater heats cold water not hot, confusing to me.
    We have everything we need right here in our motorhome anything that does not fit we don't need.

    1. The water heater heats cold water up to hot water. The hot water doesn't need heated until it cools down. BTW, I, too, have more than I need in the house or in the motorhome.

  6. When you take a look at something in front of you do you see your nose?
    It's there, the brain just doesn't show it to you. Maybe that's why the mirror thing happens?

  7. That could be. BTW, now that I read your comment, I keep seeing my nose. . .

  8. Those are some very interesting questions. Think I will have to think about them for a while. Just got back form a vacation.

    1. Glad you got back safely and hope you had a great time. Where did you go?

  9. Actually, mirrors do reflect up and down. But, you have to stand on your head to verify that fact.

    1. My head isn't flat enough to stand upside down on it.

  10. I have a Mafia cousin in Pittsburgh. Some folks refer to those folks as Wise Guys.

    1. I used to live just north of Pittsburgh on RT 8 which ran north of Pittsburgh to Butler. Of course I have moved multiple times and now I live about 30 miles north of Houston. And yes, I know what Wise Guys are.
