Thursday, October 18, 2018

Nothing New to Report.

Nothing new or unusual happening here.  Everything has been quiet and the last few days has been damp with drizzling rain.  Today, is not that much brighter but there is no rain.  So, we decided to go to Wal-Mart to get supplies.  That included something very import, my Blue Bell chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.  If we would have waited one more day, I would have run out of that ice cream and then what on earth would I do??!!??

Now I am home, sitting in my rocker/recliner and rocking and rocking and feeling quite satisfied that I have enough of my favorite ice cream to last a few more days and also a fresh supply of food.  Just in case you couldn't guess, I just love to eat!!!  Now, it is mid afternoon, so let me finish up this posting and go look for something to nibble on.  You all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Replies
    1. Yep. Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is my very favorite ice cream and the only kind I eat.

  2. It ain't funny when a guy runs out of ice cream . . . (grin)

  3. No sugar added Klondike bars for me

  4. Replies
    1. You and I think alike Jim, at least on this subject.

  5. Sea salt new blue bell favorite.

    1. That does sound good. I will have to look for that one.

  6. Gotta have those supplies especially the foods you enjoy, relax and have fun.

    1. That is for sure. When traveling out of state, sometimes I can't find what I am used to eating. Like when up in the northeast, can't find my Louisiana boudin sausage.

    2. We have the same issue travelling from state to state and Canada to the US.

  7. Nothing beats chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
