Friday, October 19, 2018

How Did You Get Your Name?

Your name isn't something that you chose yourself.  Someone had to give you that name and that someone usually had a reason.  Usually, it was your parents who gave you your name.  They could have named you after someone in the family, or a family friend, or just a name that they liked.  Do you know why they named you as they did?  If so, let us know.

I was named after family members.  My Dad's first name was Richard, so I was named after my Dad.  His nickname was Dick, so that is also my nickname.  I got my middle name from one of my Mom's brothers.  His name was Milton so my middle name was Milton. Now, my uncle's nickname was Bub, so my middle nickname became Bub.  So, I was called Richard Milton or Dicky Bub.  Got that?  BTW, my Dad did not have a middle name, just an initial.  He was Richard J. and that gave him a lot of trouble, especially in the army.

Now, I had two boys.  The first one was named after me and my wife's dad.  We named him Richard John, now there were two R.J.s in our family.  Then along came another son and he was named Rodney James.  The Rodney came from an old friend and the James came from wanting him to be another R.J.  Then there were three R.J.s in the family.  Are you confused yet?

Now, our son broke the chain by naming his son (my grandson) Jimmy and now Jimmy has a son and named him Lane.  Actually, it is good to have broken the chain of RJs.  Now tell us who you were named after or, if you know, why you were given the name you have, and please have a great day, you hear?


  1. My father's mom was named Martha, and she was called Mattie. She died before I was born, in the 1937 flood (Ohio River) and flu epidemic. When I came along my parents named me Martha, and I've gone by the nickname Marty all my life. Sometimes online I give my name as Martha to avoid people thinking I'm a guy (Martin). I've always spelled my nickname with a "y", but younger Marty girls use the spelling Martie or something like that.

    When I was doing genealogy I ran across many women on both sides of the family with the name Martha. I guess it was more common in the old days. (I always hated that story in the bible about Martha and Mary).

    1. The name doesn't make the person, the person makes the name.

  2. My mother wanted all her children to have Four Letter Names but when she found out that there was already a Paul in the family she gave me that as a middle name instead. She hated doing that but called me Richard.
    All through my career I Was know as Rick and have stuck to it since.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. My oldest son, who was killed in an auto accident, went by Rick or Ricky.

  3. Interesting. I like the name Marth and/or Marty. Be proud, those names were given to you with love.

  4. I have the same name as a great grand father (father's side). Our middle name was my great father's mother's maiden name.

    I learned most of this from genealogy...

    1. People try to keep old family names reactivated with the younger generation.

  5. I was named after my paternal grandmother, I would have preferred if they asked me first but I guess that wasn't possible.

    1. No, we have no choice in our name to start life out with.

  6. My mom came up with an unheard of name for me, so ive always said i was the one and only,,, lol.

    1. Everyone is "a one and only", unless you have an identical twin.

  7. I cant do a new post, doesnt give me the option, so you can delete this if you want. I live in Llano right in the middle of the flooding and for the first time, the bridge going over the river in the middle of town, was shut down when the water got 39.9 feet up to the bottom. My daughter was trapped on the wrong side at work, and couldn't get home 'til mid pm. In kingsland the 2900 bridge was actually washed away! Keep hearing it's gonna rain again and cause flooding again. The lakes are full now, so all downstream is in danger.

    1. Keep up informed and please stay safe and don't try to go anywhere until the water goes down.

    2. Trouble I am so glad to hear from you. I have been thinking a lot about you since I heard of all the flooding in your area. Glad you are OK. I miss your blog!

  8. The name given to me when I was born was Lisa Page Harris. The middle name was my great uncle's last name. At nine months, my parents decided I was not a Lisa and had my name legally changed. Lisa was dropped and nothing added.

    1. I wonder how they knew you not a Lisa at only nine months? BTW, I am just curious about blogging name. Does the Airstreaming part mean you have an Airstream travel trailer? Back when I was a kid (I am now 75), I got to take a trip with my Uncle and Aunt and Cousin in their Airstream travel trailer. What a wonderful time I had.

  9. I was named after a 1948 movie starting Jane Wyman called "Johnny Belinda". My mother was not married yet but she liked the name and decided if she ever had a daughter that is what she would name her.

    It wasn't until I was an adult that I learned the plot line of the movie and was horrified. What kind of a mother would name her child after that movie? Well, met two other Belinda's in my life and they were named after the same movie.

    While I have had the opportunity in more than one occasion to watch said movie, I have chosen not to do so and doubt I will ever change my mind.

    OK, mother I forgive you!

    1. No matter where the name came from, it is a beautiful name and since your Mom gave it to you, you should be proud of it. I like that name.

    2. I have always liked my name in particular as a child and teenager. It was not a common name and people remembered it.

      With that said as an adult when I found out "Johnny Belinda" was a deaf/mute girl who was raped which lead to an unwanted pregnancy, you can understand how that would be a little unsettling to me.

    3. That other Belinda had a rough time, but you, the modern Belinda, has it a lot easier than that other one.
