Monday, October 22, 2018

Crazy Rabbits.

Twice today, I have seen wild rabbits acting strangely.  The first time, I opened the sliding glass doors that open up to a screened in porch.  I have tied open the screen door so I don't have to go the whole way out when letting the pups out.  A rabbit had come up the steps and was starting into the porch.  I froze and starting talking softly to the rabbit.  It sat there for awhile and then turned, went down the steps, and went over to the bird feeder and starting eating the bird feed that was on the ground.

A couple of hours after that, I went out the back door, and low and behold, there were a couple of rabbits on the steps out there.  They seemed to look surprised and ran off into the brush and disappeared.  To me, seeing this rare event happen twice in one day, was very special.  I have lived here for many years and have never seen that happen before.  Of course, at my age, my memory isn't all that good (grin).  Just always keep your eyes open and you may be surprised what all you may see.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I can see something new for the first time several times a day, and it is the same event or item. Getting old definitely stays interesting.

    1. Yep, I know exactly what you mean. Wait to you get to my age, it gets worse (or better) which ever way you want to look at it.

  2. When I was a kid, we had squirrels and rabbits galore, and all the farmers had a few chickens. Now we have foxes, coyotes, coons, and hawks, but few rabbits or squirrels, trappers or farmers shooting chicken-eating critters.

    1. I have all kinds of wildlife on my place, large, medium, and small. And that makes me happy. BTW, haven't seen or heard the mountain lion lately, but my son's game camera has picked up a bobcat and coyotes

  3. Rabbits around my place have been acting weird lately also.

  4. It has to do with the Weather. One day freezing the next warmer then back and forth. The trees haven't even dropped their leaves yet. That is unheard of!
    Be Safe and watch out for those Rabbits. Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It has actually been below normal temps here. Maybe the rabbits have found a patch of loco weed (grin).

  5. I am surprised that we do not have rabbits out here in this part of the county but then again if there were any the stray dogs would probably eat them.

    I have been wondering about your mountain lion glad you addressed it in the comments.

    1. I figured you would have Jack Rabbits. The ones here are cottontails or swamp rabbits or what ever you call them. As far as the mountain lion goes, I am expecting to see it pop out behind a tree every time I go outside (grin).

  6. Must be the New Madrid fault line about to shift.?
    Or maybe a Red Wave Tsunami coming on Nov 7th?

    1. Or an elephant fell out of a tree in Africa (grin). I will go with shift to the fault line.
