Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Rain, Rain, Go Away.

Boy oh boy has it been raining.  I need to put water wings on the dogs when they go out.  Oh yes, does any of you have Noah's telephone number?  I need to put it on speed dial.  I may have to order an ark.  I didn't do anything nor did I go any where today and it was a good day for not doing those things.

Maybe I need to pay the electric bill so the sun will be turned back on tomorrow,  What do you think?  I really don't have anything to say tonight so will just bid you ado.  Now, you have a great evening, you hear? 


  1. We finally got rid of most of our rain here, so it turned cold (ten degrees below normal).

    1. It is too early in the Fall for it to turn cold, at least around this area. But that rain coming down is pretty cold.

  2. This has been a very wet few months but we sure needed it but we're all good now so it can go away. Although today was a great day with lots of sunshine.

  3. I spoke to my yard guy he said it had rained a lot yesterday (northwest Houston) but not today. I am thankful the whole state will experience sun and that will aid in the dry up.

    1. It is not raining this morning, but it is still wet and there is no sun shining.

  4. I know what you mean about the wet stuff. I'm ready for a bit of sun myself...

    1. If you find the sun, send some of it up my way. We are only about 30 miles apart.

  5. Forecast said expect 3/4" yesterday...My rain gauge said 2-3/4" when the rain stopped yesterday evening.
    North TX.
    (but I did get out and vote!)

    1. My rain gauge broke awhile back and I haven't gotten around to replacing it. I do miss it. So, I don't know exactly how much rain we got but the solid ground is turning mushy.

  6. Hope the rain soon stops for you, we hope be in that area in a while.

  7. I know what you mean about the rain. We too have had an abnormal amount of rain this month. And yes, I do have Noah's telephone number. It is 1-800-HELPMEMOUT.

    1. Thanks for the telephone number, it may come in handy, grin.

  8. At this point I think I'd prefer rain over more snow.

    1. Snow is quite rare here but I have seen it a few times.
