Friday, October 26, 2018

The Peanut Tree

Back quite a few years ago, when I was manager of engineering at a local forging plant, a young fellow from the Pittsburgh plant came down to observe and learn and supposedly to take back suggestion for improvement.  One day I was eating a few peanuts and he asked where I got them because he wanted to get some to eat, too.  I told him that I raised them on my place.

That really peaked his interest and he asked me if I had a peanut tree and wondered if he could go to my place and see it, since he had never seen a peanut tree.  After I and few others in the office got through laughing, I explained to him that they grow under ground.  I also told him that they were legumes and were in the same family as peas.

Reading Hermit Jim's blog posting (, gave me the inspiration to write about growing peanuts.  I think when we were young, we all had peanut butter and jam (or whatever you put on the sandwich to go with the peanut butter).  I ate peanut butter and sweet pickle sandwiches.  That was my favorite.

Now, after finding out how bad peanuts are for us, I eat almond butter and cashew butter instead.  They are really yummy.  And yes, they are more expensive, too, so have cut way back on eating them.  Thanks Mr. Hermit for giving me a subject for my blog tonight.  Now, have a P&J sandwich and have a great evening, you hear?  


  1. The guy's question reminds me of an April 1st story I saw on TV when young. It was a very serious network story about that day being the start of the annual pickle harvest and showed people picking pickles from the pickle trees, where they had hung all winter, growing crisper and sweeter. - lol

    1. Hey, I need a pickle tree. Got any seeds?? (grin)

  2. Always glad to lend a hand, or help call back some memories.

  3. Gotta love the peanut tree story, keep up with these very informative stories.

    1. No, I don't blame him. He was out of his usual environment here in Texas just as I would be out of mine in Pittsburgh.

  4. I have never liked peanut anything but even I know there are no such things as peanut trees. Was he embarrassed to find out otherwise?

  5. That is too funny, you spoofing the guy about the peanut tree. Way to go. I love eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

    1. He wasn't stupid. Being a city boy, he had no idea how peanuts grew. It was funny, though.
