Monday, October 29, 2018

Mist, Web, & Mystery

It was, and still is, a beautiful morning here at the Swamp.  There was a mist that burned off quite fast as soon as the sun got up high enough to hit it.  This first picture is what is left of the mist.  It was taken from my back porch looking down toward my son's place and the chicken coops.  I thought it looked quite nice but a little spooky:

I also noticed a beautiful spider web in the corner of the rear door of my screened in porch.  The morning sun was hitting it just right, so I had to get a picture of that spider's handiwork.  I wonder if she knit it or crocheted it?

Then I took the bird feeders out.  I put the humming bird feeder up first then the suet and last the big bird feeder full of wild bird seed.  They sure do like the buffet I set out for them, as do the squirrels.

As I was hanging up the big feeder, I looked down and noticed a perfect circle on the ground.  It was about four or so inches in diameter and about two inches deep.  Now, that is a mystery.  What on earth could make that impression?  Here is a picture of it:

Now tell me, what do you think made that mark.  The bird feeders are located in the middle of the dog's fenced in area and that mark was near the bird feeders.  There is no creature that I know of that would make a perfectly round hole like that.  Have you ever seen anything like that?  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. A breed of large Ants do it often in Texas.

  2. Probably cause by a Squirrel piling firewood on end to reach the feeders.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. It definitely looks like you're being visited by aliens!

    1. If that is the case, I am glad they probed the ground instead of me.

  4. I have no idea what you wrote. . .

  5. Dust bath for birds, maybe. Chickens do it, but the holes are bigger.

    1. It is a perfect circle with straight walls, but maybe a bird could do that.

  6. That's what I was thinking Gorges, birds taking a dust bath.

  7. That sure is weird, but dust bath for birds sounds pretty good. Love the spider web.

    1. Yes, I thought that spider web was pretty cool.

  8. Lovely spider web! Was there something above that hole that the mist could have dripped to make that shape? Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

  9. For sure that is a pod leg indentation from an Alien spacecraft. Probably curious about your bird feeders.

    1. I figured it was one of those special flying saucers that could balance on one leg.
