Thursday, October 4, 2018

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

My son has game cameras set up several places on our property.  He gets some fascinating picture from these cameras from all kinds of dogs, foxes, etc., but one picture made me take a second look.  He posted the picture on Facebook but I decided to copy it from his Facebook page and post it here, also:

I don't care what you think it is, I believe that it is awesome.  BTW, did you know that this type cat, according to the Guinness book of world records has the highest number of names being used for the same animal.  These names are mountain lion, puma, cougar, painter, mountain cat, catamount, etc., etc.  It has a very wide range, from the Canadian Yukon to the South American Andes. . . and I guess to my back yard!!

They can get quite large, typically weigh in at 70 to 150 pounds and be up to more than eight feet long.  It has a bite force of 350 pounds per square inch, enough to break the skulls of wolves and horses and, I suppose, anything else it decides to kill.  I don't think that I want one to get mad at me or see me as meal or a midnight snack.  I definitely want to go out with my two pups at night.  I doubt if I could fight one off, but my screams might scare him (or her) off.  I don't think that I would scream, but just to be on the safe side, tonight I will go out with my pups and carry a firearm.  Of course, I shouldn't worry, my ugly face should scare any big cat away.  Now, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs big cats bite, you hear?


  1. I believe these cats are growing in numbers. There have been many sightings here around the foot hills. It's believed because of the excessive heat and late rains they came down off the mountains. Who knows, just be careful out there

    1. Here, north of Houston, is a long, long way from the mountains. I think this big cat is from the pinywoods. My place has water, trees and cover, and my son's small farm on the back of my place with chickens, ducks, geese, goats, rabbits, etc.

  2. Now the DNR may tell you that it's just a figment of your imagination. One of those figments killed my neighbor's horse a few years ago, though.

    1. I have a good imagination, but the game camera doesn't lie.

  3. They are very beautiful creatures. Just wouldn't want to meet one in my backyard. Have a great weekend.

    1. That one was in my back yard. I will not let my pups go out after dark without me going with them.

  4. A beautiful animal at a distance hopefully well fed and will not bother you, I think a firearm would be a good idea.

    1. I agree, but I also think that rattle snakes are beautiful. When I take my walks from now on, I may just take my model 1911 along.

  5. WOW! How cool is that! Great pic this morning!

    1. Yes, it sure is cool. I would have never, ever expected to see that on my place. A little excitement to spice up my day.

  6. Oh my goodness, look at those muscular legs and the big paws! Be careful out there. It's a beautiful animal and I hope he stays out of trouble.

    1. Yes, he does look (and is) a powerful animal. I will be careful, but something like this spices up my life.

  7. He looks well fed... I'm with you on the carry. I never let my pup go out here on the ridge without my trusty sidearm. Just watch yerself!

    1. yes, he does. I agree with you on the side arm, I do the same thing now.

  8. That looks scary to me and hopefully if you are packing you will see him before he sees you.

    1. I have never seen a mountain lion in person. Actually, I would like to see one.
