Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Diamonds in the Grass.

I went out this morning.  Everything was wet after last evening's rain.  I found a patch of tall grass at the side of my driveway that had drops of water on the ends of the grass.  Those drops shone like diamonds and I tried to get a picture of what I had seen.  The camera didn't do it justice but you can see some of the drops:

Like I said above, the picture doesn't show it like it was in real life.  Click on the picture and maybe it will enlarge for you.  I really thought Mother Nature had done that just for me to take a picture and show you all.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Perfect beautiful nature. Gives one a good feeling, doesn't it?

  2. A camera can rarely capture the image in our eye. When it does, it seems like magic.

    1. Maybe I could do better with a better camera. I just have one that fits in my shirt pocket and it sure isn't a new update one.

  3. Beautiful photo! I love the rain and we got a good dose of it today.

    1. It looks a lot better if it is enlarged. Glad you liked it.

  4. It is the simple things that are the most precious.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Even back seventy years ago, I loved getting out in the woods. And the woods at night was something special.

  5. Great picture Dizzy, this morning I found a spider web with dew on it and it sparkled and had some rainbow effects. It just lets us know that fall is really heading this was doesn't it.

    1. The only sign of Fall around my place is out in the middle of my neighbors field there is one big tree and its leaves have turned gold. Everything else is still green.

  6. So there has been a lot of rain in the Houston area? Nice picture.

    1. We have had sufficient rain but no flooding. But we always seem to have sunshine. I live 30 or so miles north of Houston so don't get as much rain. Houston gets more of the rain from of the Gulf.

  7. That is so pretty. I have always loved it when Mother Nature leaves me diamonds.

    1. Mother Nature should leave a lot of diamonds for a pretty lady like you.

  8. Love the diamonds in the grass, we see them here as well.
