Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I'm Back.

No, I didn't die, but my computer did, again.  This time I purchased a new one.  My old laptop had a 17 inch screen and I found out that they are hard to find, but I managed to find this one.  I never heard of the brand.  It is a Lenovo.  And so far, it works very well and in fact it is faster than my old one.  Maybe that is because it is brand new and has lots of empty storage space. . . so far.

Anyway, I just wanted to take time to explain why you haven't heard from me for awhile and that I am now back.  Sorry, but you can't get rid of me that easily.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Welcome back!

    Lenovo is a well known brand. You should be fine. I'm tempted to get a better computer myself, but so far I've been able to keep my cheapo going.

    1. As long as they do what you need or want to do, why get a new one?

  2. I've heard of them; glad you're back.

  3. Our desktop computer at home is a Lenova and we've had it about 6 years. Runs fine and we've never had a problem with it.

    1. I have had desktops that have run for years and years and I bet if I went into my office and turned one of them on, it would fire up. But I prefer to sit in my recliner/rocker and rock while I use the computer.

  4. Nice to hear your are still hanging around and a new computer is always nice to have, enjoy.

    1. I sure am glad I am still hanging around, and yes, a new computer is always fun.

  5. Amazon has good factory refurbished Dells for around $200. Minimal software included, and not a whole lot of storage space, but still a good deal.
    Glad you're back.

    1. I guess I am old fashioned because I prefer to go to a store, touch and feel, and try out the product.

  6. I was really starting to wonder what had happened to you. Glad you are still around as I missed your blogs. I have heard of that brand but don't know anything about their reliability. Welcome back

    1. So far so good. It seems to do what ever I ask it to do, except clean the house and wash the dishes.

  7. Glad you are back with a reliable computer. Lenovo has been around for a long time. The parent company was better known as IBM years ago.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Well I guess it had a good heritage. With parents like IBM, it should be a good one.

  8. It's good to see you back!
    A new computer is fun! I'm glad I bought this one (less than a year ago). I like the 1TB hard drive! My only one had 285GB...

    1. It should take you a long time to fill up that hard drive.

  9. I am so glad you are back and posting. I need to get a new computer soon as well, but am holding out until the last minute! Good luck with yours.

    1. My old one wouldn't get on line anymore, but it still works as computer. Thanks for the good luck wish. There are a lot of great computers out there on the market but I am stubborn and wanted another 17 inch like I was used to. I am sure you can find one that suits your needs.

  10. I'm glad your back and had a hunch your computer went out. I have a Lenovo for about 2 yrs now and sometimes it gets slow so I just call the Geek Squad and they clean it right up. And yes it is from IBM. The price was really good and I was able to get the nice big screen. Enjoy

    1. Sorry I am so late in answering your comment. And yes, I am planning on enjoying my new computer for a long time, I hope.
