Thursday, September 27, 2018

A One Cool Day

Today and tonight will be quite comfortable around here.  It only got up to 77 degrees today and is suppose to get down to 63 degrees tonight.  I am enjoying that, for sure.  But, like all good things, it is not going to last.  It will be back up into the mid to upper eighties for the rest of the week with the nights only cooling off to around the seventy mark, plus or minus a degree or two.

By the way, I have been enjoying my new computer.  I think I have it broken in already, and yep, I like it a lot.  Since I am a typist, the full size keyboard on this laptop was a selling feature for me.

Maybe tomorrow, I can come up with a interesting post.  Who knows?  You will just have to check in tomorrow and see what I have decided to post about.  Right now, I have no idea.  Hey, you all have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Glad you are back online and enjoying a brand spanking new computer :)

  2. Happy to hear the new computer is working out for you. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. So far, it is working great. Thanks, and you have a happy weekend, also.

  3. I'm sure I commented on this post already, but sometimes I forget to hit "Publish". Glad to hear you are back in business again with a new computer. Hope it works well for you.

    1. I believe it will do what I want it to do. So far, so good.
