Saturday, September 29, 2018


Going to try this again.  Last night I tried to post a blog but when I hit the button to post, it just went away.  I just gave up and went to bed.  So, I am going to try to write another blog posting, hope it works.

Today's blog is about Oumuamua.  Have you ever heard about Oumuamua?  No, it ain't a person, or a city, or a place, or a lake.  So, what the heck is it?  I will give you a hint.  In the Hawaiian language it means “messenger from afar arriving first”.  No, it isn't the mailman, it is a cigar-shaped asteroid about the size of a skyscraper.  Here is a picture of it:

I am not sure, but I believe these are artists renditions of what it should look like.  Astronomers have been keeping an eye on it because it has swung through our solar system before and it may very well do it again.  Last time it didn't hit any planets, let's hope the next time, if it comes back, it will keep on missing the planets.  Here is a map of its trajectory:

Space is a dangerous place and quite dynamic.  We never know what it will throw at us but if there is something coming and we can detect it far enough out, maybe we could be able to deflect it enough to miss us and our neighbor planets.

OK, even though it is raining here right now, I am going to have a great day and I want you to have a great day, too.


  1. It's a ship with explorers from somewhere else... took them a long time to get here.

    I hope they brought their own food....

    1. Should I have put a smiley face after that? I'm never really sure, humor on the internet is sometimes tough to do...

  2. I heard that they were vegetarians. (grin)

  3. I recently read about that asteroid. Space could be a dangerous place to be - with the asteroids and such, and all the junk and waste thrown out of the space station and shuttles, etc., you might stand a bigger chance than you think for getting hit!

  4. I sort of remember reading about that asteroid. Personally, I feel there is way to much "junk" out there. Why does mankind feel that "space" is their new junkyard? Raining here today.

    1. Asteroids are not man-made. They come in all sorts of sizes and shapes and from all parts of the universe.
