Wednesday, September 5, 2018

One of My Very Favorite Songs.

I can't listen to this song or even read the lyrics without shedding tears.  It is one of my favorite songs done by one of favorite singers.  The song is "Go Rest High On That Mountain" by Vince Gill.  It is a beautiful song and no one could do it better than Vince.

Just go to this link  and you can read the lyrics.  Scroll down to the bottom and of that page and you can click on the link that says "Play "Go Rest High On Tha…""  Vince did a fabulous job on that song.  Guess I will have to go wipe my eyes now.  Don't know why it affects me so much.  Maybe it is because I lost a son some years ago.  Let me know what you think of that song and if it affected you as much as it did me, but still try to have a great day, you hear? 


  1. The loss of a child is a tough one...

    1. It sure is, I don't think I will ever get over it.

  2. That is a great song. Made me think of some of my loved ones that have passed away. Having lost a child myself I can see how it would make you cry.

    1. So sorry about your son, so you do know what I am talking about'

  3. It's unbearable to think of losing a child. They are supposed to outlive us.

  4. Yep, that is suppose to be the plan but it is now always so.

  5. It's been awhile. How are you doing?

    1. Something went wrong with my computer. I could read blogs but I couldn't reply on any. Got a new one today, so here I am and I am doing pretty good now.
