Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Our Anniversary

Today .was our wedding anniversary.  I believe it is our 54th.  Dang, it is hard to believe that we have been married that long.  Not only that but we were high school sweethearts.  So that means we have been together for a lot longer than 54 years.  You know, I would do it all over again.

I asked her where she wanted to go on our anniversary.  I was thinking of a good restaurant but to my surprise, she wanted to go to Hobby Lobby and Michaels.  So that is what we did and she bought yarn and other stuff.  Then we came home and spent a quiet day.

That was how we spent our anniversary.  Now you all have a great evening, you hear?


  1. Happy Anniversary. Hobby Lobby and Michaels are two stores I love to meander inside.

    1. Those stores have something for everybody. There is a good selection of art supplies.

  2. Congratulations and best wishes to the both of you!

  3. Happy Anniversary to you and your lovely wife. Hope you have many more.

    1. At our age it may not be many more but hoping for as many as possible.

  4. Happy Anniversary sounds like a great way to spend it doing what you want to do together.

  5. I didn't realize it was your anniversary but I send belated congratulations. I

    1. Thanks Gypsy. I am usually a day late, too, and a dollar short.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks MsB. Dang, I wonder if I look as old as my Grandpa did on their 54th anniversary?

  7. Your wife sounds like a very easy going lady and maybe that's why you have been married so long. :) Once again Happy Anniversary to you both

  8. As long as she has lots of yarn, she seems to be satisfied. . .
