Friday, August 3, 2018

Did You Know???

We all know a lot of facts, but I am sure there are still a lot of facts that you don't know.  No, I ain't going tell you facts about space and the universe, although that is one of my favorite subjects.  These are just random facts that you may know or maybe you don't know.  I will list some and you can tell me just how many you knew.

***************  Questions:

1.   What is the name of the shape of Pringles potato chips?

2.    What was the first toy advertised on TV?

3.    How long after the invention of sliced bread was the TV invented?

4.    There are legal tender coins with heads of presidents, bison, etc., but was there ever one with the head of Superman?

5.    In what category is one of the smartest creatures of the world, mammal, bird, reptiles, or fish?

6.    What Latin word does "lbs." (the abbreviation of pounds) come from?

7.     What item does Walmart sell the most of?

8.     If someone made one dollar every second, how many years would it take to have more money than Bill Gates?

9.      In 1945 the first atomic bomb was created.  What was its nickname?
10.    How many days would it take to visit a new beach in Australia if you visited one each day?

***************  Answers:

1.    Hyperbolic Paraboloid.

2.    Mr. Potato Head.

3.    Only two years.

4.    Yep, Canada made one in 2015.

5.    Birds - Magpies are thought to be the smartest and the only non-mammal species that can recognize themselves in a mirror.

6.    The Latin word libra means pound in Latin.

7.     Bananas.

8.     2921 years.

9.     The Gadget.

10.    Over 27 years.

OK, that is enough for now.  How many did you get correct?  I sure didn't do very well on that test, in fact, I really flunked it.  By the way, I did a search on the internet for "strange facts", and the above is some of what I found.  Now that you have new information to assimilate, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I like this kind of information. As you know, I'm a big fan of offbeat facts!

    1. Me too. You know, we sure do have a lot in common.
