Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Ho-Hum.  Yep, that is how I feel this morning.  It was very dark and cloudy and just now it started to rain and it is coming down fairly hard.  Clouds must be pretty thick, just lost the satellite signal for the TV.  I pulled up the weather radar for our area on the internet and we are in the middle of a lot of red and yellow on the map.  Yep, that means fairly heavy rain.  And oh yes, just heard a loud clap of thunder.

Why is it that rainy weather makes me feel sleepy?  Does it affect you that way, too.?

It is moving southeast and should be out of my area soon. It is always good to have some refreshing rains in the hot summertime.  I can remember when I first moved to this area quite a few years ago, that you could almost set your watch by the rain which came every day about noon or one in the afternoon.  Have a great day whether it is raining at your house or not, you hear?  


  1. No raining here but by golly we're having a good day anyway.

  2. Glad you are getting some rain we finally got some this morning as well.

    Yes, rain makes me feel sleepy but I got to drive in to town to run several errands that I could not get to yesterday.

    1. Glad you got some rain out your way. Does that make the desert bloom?

  3. Dark and rainy at my house as well, Dizzy. Man, I'm glad to see it!

    1. Yep, we were getting too used to all that sunshine and heat. At least it cooled things down some.

  4. Yes the cloudy and rainy weather makes me want to sleep

    1. It must be a throw-back from when we lived in the wild. Just snuggled up in our cave until the weather cleared.

  5. We have had sunshine all week so far. Sunny days make me feel happy. Rainy days make me feel sad and sleepy.Suppose to rain this afternoon - we sure need it.

    1. I guess you should take a nap this afternoon when it rains.
