Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Yesterday I Forgot Something.

Actually, I forget a lot of things, but I took a couple of pictures to put on my blog of the cooling units I purchased and I forgot to post them on yesterday's blog about those units.  So, I guess I will post one of them now:

It is called Arctic King and I must say that they do a good job.  Two of them take care of most of my home.

OK, how about some humor about being forgetful?  No, you said.  OK all those that said no, you can stop reading right now, for you others, here are some jokes:

Two old friends met by chance on the street. After chatting for some time, one said to the other, "I'm terribly sorry, but I've forgotten your name. You'll need to tell me." The other stared at him thoughtfully for a long time, then replied, "How soon do you need to know?" ********** Patient to friend: "I saw the doctor to day about my loss of memory." Friend: "What did he do?" Patient: "He made me pay him in advance." ********** What was it I said about forgetting things? In order to help jump-start the U.S. economy, the INS has announced that this year they will stop focusing on illegal aliens, and begin the deportation of retired people. It's predicted that this will not only help lower health care entitlement costs, but it turns out that retirees are much easier to catch. Plus, they rarely can remember how to get back home. OK, that is all for today.  Hey!!  Don't say "Gee, I hope so."   Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Those are great. I especially love the last joke. So far I', having a great day; hope you are also.


    1. Every day I wake up in the morning, I figure it to be great day.

  2. Well old Fellow I was amazed that it only took one day for you to remember the..........I forgot.

    1. You don't let me get away with anything do you? (grin)

  3. Some times we do forget things but they do eventually come back to you, looks like nice cooling units that do the trick.

    1. Yes, they have sure helped during this heat wave. I like them.

  4. Great blog today! I relate more and more to forgetting things, and have to admit I get slightly worried about it sometimes.

    1. I some times forget what I wanted to say when I had only typed half the sentence.

  5. Boy, I can certainly relate to the memory stuff...or maybe I should say to the lack of memory stuff.

    1. I think that the trouble is when you get as old as I am over all those years I have stuffed memories into my brain and it got over full a year or two ago (grin).

  6. No kidding with the memory stuff. You know the usual stuff like why did I come into this room? Seems like lately I remember or is it that I just changed direction and found something of interest there. Love the jokes

    1. Yep, any more I am better at excuses than at remembering to do something.

  7. Your right, that Jeep Liberty behind your Motorhome looks identical to ours or vice versa. Fancy that....the two of us having the same colored Jeeps eh.

    1. And similar year models. I bought it new way back in either 2004 or 2005. I get the two vehicles confused, one is a 2004 and one is a 2005. I like both vehicles and plan on keeping them both.
