Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Substitue for our AC unit.

It has been really hot.  Yep, in the triple digits.  Our whole house AC unit finally bit the dust.  We spent quite a bit of money trying to keep it going, but we just gave up.  So, what have we been doing during this triple digit heat wave?  Well, I will tell you.

We went up to Wal*Mart and bought one of those AC units that are on wheels and uses an exhaust hose to vent the heat out of the house.  It did such a good job we went back up to the store and bought another one.

There is a lot of open space in out home.  A large living room is open to the kitchen which is open to the dining area which is open to the family room.  There are four bedrooms and three full baths.  I guess you got the idea that there is a lot of volume especially with the vaulted ceilings.  To eliminate area, we closed off three of the bedrooms, one of bathrooms, and the utility room.  That still leaves a lot of volume but two of those roll around units along with ceiling fans, keep it comfortable in here.  There had been a window unit in the family room, but I moved it to the master bedroom.  All is well and I hope you all are staying cool and are having a great day.


  1. Sometimes you just do what you have to.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am not rocking as fast as usual in my rocking chair. Don't want to generate any extra heat. . .

  4. Funny that you should mention that roll around a/c unit. I am using one as well since my a/c unit is leaking so badly I can't keep it in freon. Other than buy a new whole house unit I am using a portable unit that my oldest had in storage. Works pretty well, as you say.

    1. The ones I bought were about three hundred dollars each, but a lot cheaper than a three grand AC unit. Maybe when my ship comes in. . .

    2. Is getting a repair guy to find & fix the leak that spendy? (You can see I don't know much about these things..)

  5. We topped out at 113 today, I would be running to Walmart for a couple of those units myself.

    1. If it wasn't that hot here, it was dang close to it.

  6. Glad you brought up the portable A/C unit and that you gave it a good review.

    A couple of years back they stole the cooper out of the unit of my Houston house and later they took several parts rendering it useless.

    Needless to say I will not be replacing the unit until I move back home but need an alternative if I happen to visit in the summer.

    1. They do have their limitations, but for the money, they can't be beat and you can still look out the window that they vent out of.

  7. We used one of those in Washington state (western side) during a hot stretch, it worked really well. Not quite enough in the big room unless you sat next to it but it was great in the bedroom.

    1. They come in different BTU's and I got the one that had the highest BTR rating.

  8. Sounds like you have found a good solution, not often we need yo tun our a/c here seldom gets onto the triple digits, but pretty close.

    1. Here, the humidity is always quite high and that makes the heat even more unbearable. These units have a tube to get rid of any water that they form.

  9. Glad you found something that really works. I have heard about these units but it's good to hear from someone that is using one. Great alternative to dying from heat stroke and/or spending your lives savings to get a new A/C unit. Keep cool my friend.

    1. They have doing a good job so far. Time will tell, but for now, I am happy.
