Wednesday, May 9, 2018

It Is HOT here.

It is HOT here where I live in East Texas.  Just how hot is it?  Well, I am going to tell you but since it is so hot, don't rush me.  It is too hot to hurry.

I have mentioned in past blog postings about my bird feeder and how much we enjoy watching all the birds.  We have been seeing a painted bunting quite often and he is really pretty flashing all those different colors.  Here is a picture that I found on

Back to "how hot is it?", well it is so hot that it melted the suet blocks that I purchased to feed the birds.  In this next picture,  you can see that the block of suet with seeds has almost three quarters of it melted away and a lot of it dripped on the bird feeder.

 Here is closer picture of the mess on top of the feeder:

And of course one of the many squirrels just had to have a bite at the free lunch counter:

I was standing right there when he came out of the bushes and right after I took that picture, he was joined by another squirrel.  It is not unusual to see a half a dozen or more of them out there at one time, but not when I am standing right there.  They must be hungry or too lazy to go forage for food in the wild.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I don't think they ever turn down a free meal, regardless of who is watching.

    1. That's for sure and of course, I don't either.

    2. It is 1538 here in Decatur Al, the doors and windows are open on Castle and the temp 83. really nice day. Have fun DD.

    3. We have had the last few days, including today, in the nineties. I am just not used to that yet and by the time I get used to the 90's it will be above a hundred. . .

  2. I hasn't yet gotten too hot here in Sacramento. I love the birds but learned to despise squirrels, although I admire their intelligence and tenacity. When I fed lots of birds in NC, I only put suet out in the cold weather. It would be a mess when it melts.

    1. This is the first time I have had that problem. I bought a different brand that was cheaper. I guess I better go back to the old brand.

  3. They now have a suet that doesn't melt. I have used it in the past and it works pretty good. We have been 100 - 103 all this week I'm not liking this at all

    1. The no-melt suet is what I usually buy but for some reason, this time I picked up the cheaper brand. Learned my lesson, you get what you pay for.

  4. We have a painted hunting but he's very shy, and doesn't hang around very long. Plenty of other birds too. White wing dove are prevalent in the afternoons.

    1. I haven't seen any doves for quite awhile. I may not be on their migration route any more.

  5. I have never seen a Painted Bunting. What a beautiful bird. It had been hot here for a couple of days, but not hot enough to melt suet. Mine does get very soft in Summer tho - I use the no-melt kind. Squirrels around here aren't afraid of humans; they just sit and laugh at you when you try to scare them away.

    1. I plunk them using a kid's BB gun. It doesn't do any damage to them, but they don't like it. but it just doesn't keep them from coming back.

  6. my sis, 10 miles up the river, has painted buntings, and here, we have 3 or 4 kinds of doves. i hear the big white winged ones cooing?, making that noise i thot was called a rain crow. Pretty sure thats what it is,,,, the same bird.
    My sis is having her big bbq tomorrow and everybody is invited... Yall come. Tons of food, river, and great company.

    1. We also have a lot of doves, but only one kind and not the white winged ones. Thanks for the invite but I am afraid I can't make it. You all have some extra fun and eat some extra for me. I will be thinking about you and what I am missing.

    2. Was a lot of fun, good times. I have barely moved today, so tired. But, i can do that. lol. My fav niece and family came by a bit ago....So glad they did. He coaches at Gregory-Portland, and both teach. Left here headed that way.

  7. Hi DD, It has come to that time of the year in our part of SE TX, that one doesn't want to go anywhere in the afternoons. The van gets hot even if you can park it in a shady place, and takes a while to cool down even with good AC.
    I am making all my appointments in the mornings now, and hoping that I can be home before it gets too hot! Happy Trails and Tails, Penny

  8. Yall ok? Just came over to look and you havent been here in weeks! You were my dependable,, lol.

  9. The 14th of June is here DD, it's been awhile... I'm hoping you're ok....

  10. Taking roll call here. Let us know you are both ok, please?

  11. Hi DD.
    You have us all worried.
    Please say something.

  12. I love squirrels because theyre cute, well aside from they can kill snakes, haha. Their reflexes is unbelievable.

  13. I didn't die, my computer did. Finally, the computer guy wiped it all clean and I had to start all over from scratch. Also, I have been feeling quite lazy lately and haven't got in any hurry to do anything. I am alive and kicking and will try to post more often.
