Thursday, July 12, 2018

It Has Been Awhile. . .

It has been awhile since I have posted and yep, I am still alive and kicking.  I didn't die, but my computer did.  The computer people couldn't get it to work so they had to wipe my hard-drive clean, so I lost a lot of my pictures and information that I had stored in it.  Oh well, I decided to post and let you know that all is now OK. . . or let me say, I hope all is OK.  So far, so good.

OK, now back to posting my blog.  I noticed some mushrooms or fungi growing along my driveway and thought it was worth taking a few pictures of them, which I did.  So, I will post those pictures on this blog.

This double mushroom is growing on the same stalk: 

Same mushroom, different angle:

And a close-up taken from ground level:
Those of you who have followed my blog postings for quite awhile, will know that I have always been interested in mushrooms.

Thanks for stopping by today to check out my posting and have a great day, you hear?    


  1. Glad you are back on the air, so to speak!

  2. Sorry to hear about your computer. A friend is always after me to back everything up, but I never keep things current.

    1. I used to do that but stopped quite a few years ago.

  3. Nice to see you back up and running again Dizzy. Thought maybe a bad batch of mushrooms had laid ya flat.

    1. Thanks Al. I used to gather mushrooms (and other wild things) to eat, a real fan of Euell Gibbons

  4. Good to see you posting again. I was worried about you.

    1. Thanks Shadowmoss. I know what you mean, we do tend to worry when some blogger abruptly stops posting without an explanation. Sorry about that.

  5. Sure had a lot of us worried about you. Sorry your laptop wasn't well but better it than you.

    1. You got that right!! Of course when you get as old as I am you just never know. . .

  6. I am so glad you are back and that it was only your computer that died. I was getting quite worried about you. I love the pictures of the mushrooms - how unusual it is. With all the rain we have had around here mushrooms have popped up all over my yard, but only the usual brown ones. Sooo happy all is well at you house; sorry about your computer. We missed you. Have a great weekend.

    1. I am glad, too, that it was the computer and not me. Of course this old laptop may very well out live me.

  7. Maybe you should have Google Drive. From what I understand anything you save in there is saved in the clouds and you can access it from any computer.
    Come on you geeks, tell us the best way to store our stuff and not lose our pictures.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

    1. I don't have all my pictures on the web. I have them on my computer and also in the cameras memory chips. I save all the full chips incase of loss elsewhere.

  8. It's good to see you posting again. I don't have a satisfactory backup system either, and am paying the price for files I've lost. I think I will get a backup system in the near future.

    1. I wonder if the computer viruses could be coming from the companies that sell virus protection and scanning?
