Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Wedding and Reception.

I took lots of pictures, so I am going to bore you with most of them.  If you do get bored looking at them, please skip to the last one, but I would prefer that you look at them all.

This first one is of my grandson, Jimmy, holding his son (my great grandson), Lane:

Lane being held by a bigger boy, whose name I do not know:

Grandson Jimmy and soon to be wife, Tamany, about to take their vows:

Jimmy and Tammany showing their son, Lane, the brand:

 Here is a better picture of it:

Jimmy, Tamany, and Lane:

The bride with the groom and his buddies.  Notice that they are all armed.  I guess they didn't want anyone backing out the ceremony: 

This is a picture of Jimmy's uncle (my son) and his family:

The bride and groom waiting to make their little speeches, mostly praising each other: 

And of course the bride and groom had the first dance at the reception:

This was the sign at the entrance to the hall.  Notice the deer antlers?  Both bride and groom are avid hunters:

It was a wonderful wedding and reception.  It just couldn't have been any better except for some of the relatives that have passed away left a void, but I am sure they were watching from up above.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Nice wedding, great looking great grandson!

  2. It looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. Great photos and it looked like a beautiful day. Your great grandson sure is a cute one! Nice family, Diz.

    1. Everyone had a great time and I sure have to agree with on my great grandson!!!

  3. Best wishes to the Bride and Groom

    1. Thanks JO. They have been together for quite awhile but just not officially.

  4. May they have a long nd happy life together!

    1. I am sure they will. Jimmy will have to be good because they tell me she is a better shot than he is (grin).

  5. It was wonderful to see you both and I know we had one in particular watching over us all. I'm sure sad he missed seeing this day and I know he's be so proud of the man his son's become.

    1. My thoughts exactly. I did shed a tear thinking about his absence. And yes, Ricky would have been watching for sure if he could. Could almost feel his presence

    2. He was certainly there. Jimmy unknowingly chose one of his favorite songs for the mother/son dance. He's a part of me and we keep his memory alive in the stories that I share with the two younger ones about him all the time. (The last one was when I found out I need to have a front end alignment done on my truck....they sneak up on you from the strangest of places!) Hugs and Love, B.

  6. My congratulations to the Bride and Groom. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.

    1. Thanks for the congrats, linda m, and I loved taking the pictures.
