Saturday, April 28, 2018

What is Going On in Back Yard

We have a part of our place cleared and I call it my back yard.  The dogs have a part fenced in where they can go out and get some air, check things out, and do their business.  They have to share that area with the bird feeder, so there are always a lot of birds and squirrels that come to our free food bar.  Their was even some woodpeckers working on the suet.

Of course there is usually a bunny or two or so out there somewhere.  This one didn't seem to want to run very far.  It just ran to the edge of the thick growth so that it could disappear in a flash if needed:

Then I found something a little strange.  There must have been some hanky-panky going out there.  Or maybe some cross breeding between different species of trees.  Take a look at this leaf and you tell me how it happened to look like that:

Our grandson is getting married today, so I have to cut this short and go get ready to go.  Don't want to be late.   Now, I am planning to have a great day and I hope all of you have a great day, too.


  1. A marriage in the family is always a good reason for a get together! Congratulations!

    I have no idea about the leaf....

    1. Just got back home at about 10:30 pm. They had a beautiful wedding and a wonderful reception with a tasty dinner for all, then a dance. Of course us old folks started for home, it was about an hours drive or so, but we made it.

  2. Interesting looking leaf for sure.
    Sound like you had fun at a family wedding always good time.

    1. Never saw a leaf like that before and yes, we had a lot of fun at my grandson's wedding. I think I will post some pictures on my blog.

  3. where my house is, i should see rabbits all the time, but in all these years, ive seen one.

    1. There are all kinds of predators around here that keeps the rabbit population in check, but there are always a few rabbits running around but not as many as there are squirrels.
