Friday, April 20, 2018

Not Much to Say.

I don't have much to say if anything, except that there is an emptiness in me I can't seem to fill and ache in my heart that will not go away.  I know it isn't good to mourn over a pet for this long but I will probably keep mourning for a long, long time to come.  I will always miss her.  Muffy (Ginger Muffin) and a pup I had before and a little after we got Muffy, Buttons, were the two pups that I have missed the most.  Muffy is now buried next to where Buttons was buried.  The way I feel now, don't be surprised if I don't post for awhile.


  1. Our previous pooch has been gone for nine years now, but still sometimes get misty-eyed talking about her.

    1. Yes, they are part of the family, they are our adopted kids. . .

  2. Take your time can't rush through mourning it just doesn't work that way Dizzy we will all understand

  3. I understand how you feel. Take all the time you need.

    1. It has been a few days now, and I still have tears in my eyes off and on.

  4. just now found my blog after having to get a new laptop. O Dizzy,,, i think most ppl know how yall feel, and im so sorry. Take your time, mourning has no limits.

    1. I will always miss her, just like I have missed all my beloved pets that have past. But, Muffy was special, for sure.

    2. My bestest doggie left me Feb 2005. The pain and tears never go away, but the memories are here forever.
      Now I have to focus on the living, my foster pets. Even when they get adopted I miss them, I get so fond of them. Happy Trails and Tails, Penny
