Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Lost a Huge Part of Our Lives

This morning at 10:30 am, we lost a huge part of our family and our lives, Muffy.  I stayed up all night with her because she was feeling quite bad.  I held her in my arms most all night and this morning she passed away while I was holding her.  I am so broke up that I can hardly type this because of the tears in my eyes.  Both my wife and I have tears in our eyes and the sniffles they cause.
My wife and I dug a deep, wide hole that the container she was in would fit into.  We wrapped her up in her favorite blankets, placed her in the container and lowered her into the hole.  Both my wife and I filled in the hole while sobbing.  I am still sobbing and probably will for quite some time to come.  She was extra special and kept the other two pups in line.  My son stopped by and offered to dig the hole for us but we refused.  My wife and I had to do it ourselves.  It is going to take a long, long time to get over this, if ever.  I have nothing else to say, just have to go blow my nose.  Sure do hope that you all had a better day than we have had.


  1. My sympathies go out to you my friend. She was a nice puppy.

    1. She was the boss dog. I can tell that the other two are missing her. It will never be the same around here.

  2. I am so very sorry for your loss. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes and hurt in my heart for you folks.I am so sorry you are going thru this. I know the pain and the hurt is awful. Sweet Muffy will be missed by you and the other little guys.My prayers to you all.

    1. I don't know if I will ever get over loosing her. My heart aches and my eyes are watering.

  3. I'm so sorry that she didn't make it. I know you will always miss her. Prying you both receive peace.

  4. So so sorry for your loss. It is so hard.

    1. Yes, it is so very hard. I loved her very, very much.

  5. I'm convinced the loving care she got made her want to stay a little longer, but I also think she picked the time when she was ready. My heart goes out to you, your wife, and the other two dogs.

    1. Yes, we all miss her and I still have tears in my eyes.

  6. Please accept my condolences in the loss of your dear friend. I said a prayer for you both.

    1. Thank you very much Gorges. It is really something how people and pets get so attached to each other.

  7. Thinking of your family. Sorry for your lost.

    1. I don't think that I will ever get over it. Our boy dog is old, too, but Gizzy is the youngest and seems to have plenty of lfe left in her.

  8. So very sorry for your loss. Our fur buddies are a part of the family and it sure hurts to lose one.
    Don in Okla.

    1. Yes, she was huge part of our family and will always be missed.

  9. I am so sad to read this and so sorry for your pain. May she now RIP

    1. I am sure she is resting better than I am. I will still have tears in my eyes for ever.

  10. What can I possibly say, my friend, except I'm sorry for your loss.

    1. That is about all anyone can say. Thanks Jim.

  11. I am so so sorry to hear this. I know how much she meant to you and your wife. I know how comforting it must have been to Muffy to die in your arms feeling loved. R.I.P. Muffy.

    1. I still have tears in my eyes.

    2. Actually she must have been having severe heart pains, because she actually screamed.

  12. So sorry for yalls loss Grandpa! :( We know how much yall loved her!

    Love yall!

    1. Thank you, Tamany. I am still broke up, I miss her so much.

  13. Our cherished dog friends leave us too soon. So sorry to learn about Muffy.

    1. I have lost of cherished pets over the years but this one has hit me the hardest. I have shed and am still shedding many gallons of tears.

  14. I am so sorry Dizzy.

    Please feel better in the knowledge that you and your wife gave her as well as your other pups such a wonderful life.

    1. Oh I do understand that but I guess I am selfish, wanting her with me right now.

  15. Kelly and I well understand how you are feeling. Having lost 3 of our best Pals back in 2011-2012 I remember the huge hole it left in our lives. For many of us our pets are much more than just pets, they are treasured members of our family and when one of our family members is lost it is emotionally devastating. Cherish all the wonderful memories of Muffy and hold them close.

    1. Thank you Al. I definitely will cherish the memories of all the great times we had together. She was almost always right beside me.

  16. Pets are so wrapped around our hearts, it hurts like hell when they leave us. Sorry to hear about your loss.

    1. Yes, she was very special to me and I still have tears in my eye. Guess I just need to get it all out with one final big cry, but even after that, I will still miss her.

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you Sixbears. It was a huge loss for me since she was with me almost all the time. I held and rocked her on her last night and she died in my arms in the morning. There will be a tear in my eye for a long time to come.
