Friday, April 6, 2018

Update On Muffy

Muffy spent all of yesterday at the vets having treatments for her congestive heart failure or what ever it is that is ailing her.  After we got her home she dank lots of water and ate a big supper.  She wasn't eating much at all before, if any, so it gave us hope seeing her eat her meal and drink water.

Her heart murmur is so loud I can hear it when she sits on my lap.  She is a tough, stubborn pup and that alone will give here a more than an even fighting chance.  I hope she has the strength left to keep on fighting.  Why oh why do we get so attached to our pets.  They are like our children, and of course we love them and treat them as such.

She definitely does not want to take her medications.  It doesn't work to try and hide them in food, like Vienna Sausage or cheese.  She finds them somehow and then will not eat any of it.  We have a big syringe that we use.  We crush the pills and then dissolve them in a little water.  Then we add a  couple of drops of honey.  She still does not want to take them, but so far, I have been able to get them in her using that syringe method.  I am still quite depressed over her situation.  The other two pups just seem to mope around and sleep.  They know something is wrong. . . .

The phone just rang, it was the vet's office asking how Muffy is doing and my wife is talking to them right now.  They were checking on our pup since they will be closed for the weekend and just wanted us to know.  They really seem to care.  By the way, all the personnel at that clinic are women.  Maybe that is why Muffy likes them so much.  They are so very kind and gentle with their patients.  Just wanted to update the situation with Muffy for you, and now I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I do hope for the best for Muffy. It's hard when you try and do all you can and it still doesn't seem to be enough. Good luck , my friend!

  2. I guess there is nothing that can be done for the heart murmur?

    1. Yes there is. I believe one of her medications is for that.

  3. Replies
    1. I can't say about them all, but these are the kindest and most caring vets that I have ever known.

  4. Nice to see that you are at least keeping her comfortable and home with you and even the vets car about her wellbeing.

  5. Sending healing thoughts to all of you.

  6. Sounds like Muffy is one tough girl and won't be going to give up easily.

    1. No, she will not give up easily and yes, she is a tough gal. She has ruled our roost for many years and she keeps the other two pups in their place. She is also a loving pup and a big part of our family.
